Small Dysplastic Congenital Melanocytic Nevi in Childhood as Possible Melanoma Imitators


Small pigmented lesions in children can represent a significant diagnostic challenge. If the diagnostic features and therapeutic approach are relatively well established in large and giant nevi, there is still much controversy regarding small and intermediate-sized congenital pigmented lesions that can lead to significant diagnostic challenges, both clinically and dermoscopically, and consequently to difficulty in defining the optimal approach in such cases. Although dermoscopy can be useful in the diagnosis of pigmented lesions, the diversity of clinical and dermoscopic features of pigmented nevi in children usually hinder the differentiation between them and melanoma. Histological findings after resection often show surprising results that do not correspond either to the clinical nor the dermoscopic features. With the present case, we want to emphasise the variable natural behaviour of melanocytic lesions in children, which sometimes leads to unnecessary surgical excisions, which should be avoided in pediatric patients.

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Mastocitosis Cutánea. Un caso singular. Mastocitosis Cutánea. Un caso singular.Introducción: La mastocitosis o mastocitoma es una genodermatosis, de etiología desconocida, por lo que se incluye en el grupo de enfermedades raras o pocos frecuentes; aparece generalmente en la infancia o al momento de nacer, se relaciona con procesos de hipersensibilidad, enfermedades crónicas o neoplásicas. Se caracteriza por acumulación local o sistémica de células cebadas, originando lesiones cutáneas de diferente tamaño, persistentes, pigmentadas y muy pruriginosas. Objetivo: Exponer las características clínicas de una forma poco común de presentación del mastocitoma cutáneo. Presentación del caso: Se presenta el caso de un niño de 7 años con lesiones cutáneas características de esta enfermedad, a quien se le realizó el diagnóstico en la consulta de Dermatología del Hospital Andino Alternativo de Chimborazo, Diócesis de Riobamba, Ecuador. Conclusiones: La mastocitosis cutánea, aunque infrecuente, presenta manifestaciones clínicas que permiten sospechar en un inicio su diagnóstico, resulta de vital importancia descartar otras enfermedades crónicas y/o neoplásicas que pueden presentarse en el curso de esta enfermedad.Palabras clave: Enfermedad crónica, enfermedad neoplásica, genodermatosis, mastocitos, mastocitosis, nódulos, urticaria ABSTRACTIntroduction: The mastocytosis or mastocytoma are a genodermatosis, of unknown etiologic, for which is included in the frequent strange or few groups of illnesses, it generally appears in the childhood or to the moment to be born, it is related with hypersensitivity processes, chronic illnesses or neoplasias. It is characterized by local or systemic accumulation of mast cells, originating cutaneous lesions of different size, persistent, pigmented and very pruriginous. Objective: To give to know the clinical characteristics in a way not very common of presentation of the cutaneous mastocytoma. Case Presentation: The case of a 7 year-old boy is presented with lesions cutaneous characteristics from this illness to which was carried out the diagnosis in the consultation of dermatology of the Alternative Andean Hospital of Chimborazo, Diocese of Riobamba, Ecuador. Conclusions: The cutaneous, although uncommon mastocytosis, presents clinical manifestations that allow to suspect in a beginning its diagnosis, it is of vital importance to discard other chronic illnesses   and/or neoplasias that can be presented in the course of this illness. Key words: Chronic illness, neoplasia, genodermatosis, mastocytoma, mastocytosis, nodules, urticarial.

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