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Bryon Wladimir Oviedo Bayas, Cristian Zambrano Vega    

El presente artículo está enfocado al análisis de fallos detectados en las redes definidas por software (SDN) que son un conjunto de redes altamente eficiente, escalable, programable, con gran velocidad y capacidad de gestionar recursos de red. Se empezó... see more

Nuno Florêncio,Catarina Trindade,Tatiana Santiago    

ResumoIntrodução: A presença de acompanhantes nas consultas de Medicina Geral e Familiar (MGF) é frequente, no entanto as suas implicações não estão bem estudadas. A discussão deste caso clínico tem como objetivo refletir como a presença de acompanhantes... see more

William S. Stone, PhD,Lisa Iguchi, PhD    

Study Background: Schizophrenia and autism are both neurodevelopmental disorders that were once considered to be the same disorder expressed in different developmental periods. Although they were separated diagnostically about 40 years ago, they share se... see more

Kristiana Siste Kurniasanti, Pratiwi Assandi, Raden Irawati Ismail, Martina Wiwie Setiawan Nasrun, Tjhin Wiguna    

The internet today has become an integral part of daily life that facilitates communication, education, and entertainment. The behavioral pattern of excessive internet usage has similarities to substance addiction, such as tolerance, withdrawal, repeated... see more

T. Jacob T. Jacob    

This article discusses the aims and various kinds of biomedical examinations and their evalua • Lion, primarily to assist those preparing for such undertakings. Among those aims, examination as a measure for protection of the public against incompetenc... see more