Right on Target, or Is it? The Role of Distributional Shape in Variance Targeting

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This study was intended to investigate how the direct effect of digital entrepreneurship education on digital entrepreneurship intentions and reveal the mediating role of knowledge and entrepreneurial inspiration. Our quantitative approach uses survey me... see more

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As a more comprehensive evolution of the concept of customer service channels, the omni-channel was driven by the new information  communication technologies that have brought the consumer a new dynamic in the relationship with retailers. This new d... see more

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In the Industrial revolution 4.0, there was a remarkable shift in various fields of science and profession, for which the workings and practices of accountants needed to be changed to improve the quality of services and the use of cloud computing as well... see more

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Revista: Moneta e Credito

Silvana Sciarra    

Lo Statuto dei lavoratori è restituito al dibattito – talvolta acceso – che si svolse negli anni successivi alla sua emanazione. In quel confronto di idee si coglie la centralità di Gino Giugni, ispiratore della legge e innovatore del diritto del lavoro.... see more

Revista: Moneta e Credito