Effect of touching on anxiety and practice skill of nursing students during intravenous catheterization skill trainingDokunmanin intravenöz kateterizasyon beceri egitimi sirasinda hemsirelik ögrencilerinin anksiyetesine ve uygulama becerisine etkisi


Anxiety is a vague concern and discomfort that a person feels about himself because of a threat to the person's value system or security pattern. It is caused by not being able to interact fully with the environment because of the lack of sensory information and the misinterpretation of the information received through emotions. Anxiety, which has an important effect in daily life, also has important effects on education life. Stress, which shows similar features with anxiety, is an important issue in education because it has potential to inhibit learning and performance. In order to increase learning outcomes and ensure critical thinking, educators should define students’ level of anxiety and minimize it. Touching is a simple skill that can be applied by educators during the clinic training without the need for a course. Positive and appropriate contacts of the educators make them feel good to the students and students think they are important. Studies show that students are anxious before skill training and anxiety reduces the success and performance of them. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of touching on anxiety and the success of students during skill training of intravenous catheterization. The research was conducted in the skill training laboratory of a nursing faculty as using the quasi-experimental method with control group through the pre and post-test between December 2016 and January 2016. The sample was constructed from the experimental group (n=65) and the control group (n=65) as 130 people and single blinding was done. The experimental group of students’ shoulders, arms or hands were touched by educators during skill training of intravenous catheterization. In the collection of the data, The Personal Information Form, The Intravenous Catheterization Skill Practice Checklist, The State-Trait Anxiety Scale and intravenous catheterization training model were used. The mean age of the experimental group was 20.36 ± 0.76 years and the mean age of the control group was 20.20 ± 0.75 years. 89.2% of the experimental group and 93.8% of the control group consisted of women. As the personality trait, 47.7% of the experimental group and 36.9% of the control group were defined themselves as calm. It was determined that the State Anxiety Scale score of the control and experiment group decreased after skill training of intravenous catheterization but there was a significant difference between the State Anxiety Scale Score of pre and post-skill training only in the experimental group. It was detected that the success of skill was higher in the experimental group.In line with these findings, it is recommended that educators should observe anxiety of the students and they should apply simple touching to students who has high pre-skill anxiety. Extended English abstract is in the end of PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetAnksiyete kisinin deger sistemi ya da güvenlik örüntüsüne bir tehditten dolayi yasanan, bireyin kendine yönelik hissettigi belirsiz bir endise ve huzursuzluk duygusudur. Duyusal eksiklik ve duygular araciligiyla alinan bilgilerin yanlis yorumlanmasindan dolayi çevreyle tam etkilesim kuramamaktan kaynaklanir. Günlük hayatta önemli etkisi olan anksiyetenin, egitim hayatinda da önemli etkileri bulunmaktadir. Anksiyete ile benzer özellikler gösteren stres, ögrenmeyi ve performansi engelleme potansiyeline sahip oldugu için egitimde önemli bir konudur. Ögrenme çiktilarini artirmak ve kritik düsünmeyi saglamak için egiticiler ögrencilerin kaygi düzeyini tanimlanmali ve en aza indirmelidir. Dokunma klinik egitimler sirasinda egiticiler tarafindan bir kursa ihtiyaç duyulmadan uygulanabilen basit bir beceridir. Egiticilerin pozitif ve uygun temasi ögrencilere kendini iyi hissettirir ve ögrenciler önemli olduklarini düsünürler.Yapilan çalismalar ögrencilerin beceri uygulamalarindan önce anksiyete yasadigini ve anksiyetenin ögrencilerin basari ve performansini azalttigini göstermektedir. Bu arastirma; dokunmanin intravenöz kateterizasyon beceri uygulamasi sirasinda ögrencilerin anksiyetesine ve uygulama basarisina etkisini belirlemek amaciyla yapilmistir. Arastirma Aralik 2016-Ocak 2017 tarihleri arasinda kontrol gruplu ön test-son test yari deneysel model kullanilarak bir hemsirelik fakültesinin beceri laboratuvarinda yürütüldü. Örneklem, uygulama grubu (n=65) ve kontrol grubundan (n=65) 130 kisi olarak olusturuldu ve tek körleme yapildi. Beceri uygulamasi sirasinda uygulama grubu ögrencilerinin omuz, kol veya eline temasta bulunuldu. Verilerin toplanmasinda; Kisisel Bilgi Formu, Intravenöz Kateterizasyon Beceri Uygulama Kontrol Listesi, Durumluk–Sürekli Kaygi Ölçegi, intravenöz kateterizasyon kol maketi kullanildi. Uygulama grubunun yas ortalamasi 20.36±0.76, kontrol grubunun yas ortalamasi 20.20±0.75’di. Uygulama grubunun %89.2’si, kontrol grubunun %93.8’i kadinlardan olusmaktaydi. Kisilik özelligi olarak uygulama grubunun %47.7’si ve kontrol grubunun %36.9’u kendini sakin olarak tanimladi. Uygulama ve kontrol grubunun beceri egitimi sonrasi durumluk kaygi puanin azaldigi fakat sadece uygulama grubunda beceri öncesi ve sonrasi kaygi puani arasinda anlamli fark oldugu saptandi. Beceri basarisinin uygulama grubunda daha yüksek oldugu tespit edildi.Bu bulgular dogrultusunda egiticilerin, ögrencilerin anksiyetesini gözlemlemesi ve beceri öncesi anksiyetesi yüksek olan ögrencilere basit dokunma uygulanmasi önerilmektedir.

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