The Lore Lindu National Park is one of National Parks in Indonesia. This National Park belongs to Donggala and Poso district, Central Sulawesi Province, administratively total area is 229.000 Ha. The major ethnics who live in this Park are Kaili, Behoa and Pekurehua. In order to explore the medicinal plants used by them, the ethno botany study is carried out by direct interview to Pekurehua tribes in Wuasa, Poso district, Central Sulawesi, eastern part of Lore Lindu National Park. It has been known that about 104 species from 93 genera and 46 families are used as medicinal plants by Pekurehua tribes. Some of the medicinal plants have herb habits and those species can be used to cure approximately 46 types of illness. One of those species, Hiha (Alstonia scholar is) is categorized as an endangered species and it is used by them as well. Pekurehua people is not only used the higher plants as medicines but also lower plant, such as lichen (Parmeliaceae).   Key words : Medicinal Plants, Ethno Botany, Pekurehua Tribes, Lore Lindu National Park.

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