Home  /  Nova Scientia  /  Vol: 10 Núm: 20 Par: 0 (2018)  /  Article

Analysis of productive efficiency of alfalfa cultivation by logistic regression of categorical data in the Irrigation District 05-Delicias, Chihuahua, Mexico


Introduction: The cultivation of alfalfa is the most used legume for feeding cattle worldwide due to its high nutritional value, mainly of protein, the District of Irrigation 05-Delicias is one of the most important producers of this crop in Mexico. The objective of this research was to determine the impacts of the different forms of use of factors of production on the productive efficiency, with the purpose of generating useful information for producers and authorities for decision makingMethod: In this study, 4 predictors, land tenure, property ownership, specialized machinery and technical irrigation were selected in dichotomous form, and a variable response, productive efficiency in alfalfa cultivation was used to determine the best fit of the model, using the method of variables selecting backward step, they were analyzed under the logistic regression model by CATMOD of the SAS 9.4 package using contrasts to determine effects of the variables on significant interactions.Results: Significant differences were found in the three interaction: property-machinery-technical irrigation, as well as individually in the individual variables specialized machinery and technical irrigation. By contrasting were determines the different effects of the variables within the triple interaction, standing out the potential impact of the technical irrigation-machinery combined, when the property is counted with a odds rate of 16, followed by the effect of the machinery when the producers have the property with a odds rate of 13.56 and the effect of technical irrigation, when likewise the producers are owners of their land too with a rate of odds of 8.0.Discussion or Conclusion: The efficiency of alfalfa cultivation from the productive point of view showed that it is significantly impacted by the triple interaction of the variables property-machinery-technical irrigation presenting the maximum effects when it has the property of the farm inside of that triple interaction by the combined effect of technical irrigation-machinery, likewise the technical-irrigated machinery-irrigation interaction shows significance, but its impact is less when the property is not owned.

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