Hypertension is common risk factor of non communicable diseases, particularly in cardiovascular disease. Based on data from neurology laboratory of RSUD Dr Soetomo in 1993, the most common cause of stroke was hypertension (81,7%). Isolated systolic hypertension, diastolic hypertension and combined systolic and diastolic hypertension are common risk factors of all kind of strokes, both ischemic and hemoragic stroke. Based on Household Health Survey (SKRT) risk factors of hypertension incidence increased from 8.3% (in 1995) to 21% (in 2001). Many blood Circulation System Diseases outpatients were essential hypertension, it was in 7lh position (2.3%). Poverty is defined as living standard of low income, it is namely the lack of amount material in the group of people compared with common standards in community concerned. Risk factor of cardiovascular disease in poor community was hypertension, lack of knowledge about diet and physical activity. This type of research was descriptive analysis of Basic Health Research (BHR) 2007. The design of study was cross sectional, which the data of BHR 2007 was merged with national social and economy. The entire poor household population (first and second quintile) in 33 provinces in Indonesia based on BHR 2007 was 283,652 individuals. The statistical analysis was performed by using logistic regression complex. This multivariate analysis concluded there is no statistically significant association between consumption offatty food and hypertension. This analysis found statistically significant association between salty food consumption, caffeine, consumption of mono sodium glutamate (vetsin, soy sauce, shrimp paste) and hypertension, even through the risk was not much different. This conclusion was drawn after controlling the effects of potential compoundfactors, including sex, living area, age and level education.   Key words : Food Consumption, Low Income, Hypertension

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