Home  /  Nova Scientia  /  Vol: 8 Núm: 16 Par: 0 (2016)  /  Article

Identification of key factors of academia in the process of linking in the triple helix of innovation model in Mexico, a state of the art matrix


Introduction: Innovation is recognized as an essential activity for increasing competitiveness in a country. Etzkowitz defines a triple helix model for innovation process that describes the relationship between industry-academia-government interaction and innovation in an institution, region or country. In the last two decades Mexico has adopted gradually a technological approach, by changing and implementing technological policies which include industry, government and academia transformation. One of the main difficulties has been the implementation of these polices within academic institutions due to their organization and structure.Method: Fot the methodology, it was use a state of the art matrix (SAM) in order to colect, compile and analyze the available literature about innovation and triple helix in Mexico. The selection of the literature was made by finding journal papers, books and conferences related to triple helix model in digital database and in books printed in Mexico; Afterwards, the articles were codified using affinity diagrams (matrices) and were classified in three types of factors: internal, structural and environmental.Results: The main objective of the academy in Mexico is education, which lacks of an innovative vision. This has the consequence that despite efforts to achieve linkage, the number of projects linking academia - industry is minimal.Conclusion: In the last 20 years there has been a growth in the research of triple helix model of innovation in Mexico, due the disarticulation of the actors in Mexico. Researchers have studied the situation and described the opportunity areas, experiences and best practices, in order to share, transmit, and promote changes in each actor in to the model. It is necessary to determine the key factors that delay and/or encourage the involvement of academia in the triple helix model of innovation in Mexico, in order to generate and promote ideas, actions and policies that have a positive impact in technological development.

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