An Interpretation of an Affine Term Structure Model for Chile


This paper attempts to provide an economic interpretation of the factors thatdrive the movements of interest rates of bonds of different maturities in acontinuous-time no-arbitrage term structure model for Chile. The dynamics ofyields in the model are explained by two latent factors, namely the instantaneousshort rate and its time-varying central tendency. The model estimates suggestthat the short end of the yield curve is mainly driven by changes in first latentfactor, while long-term interest rates are mainly explained by the second latentfactor. Consequently, when examining movements in the term structure, oneshould think of at least two forces that hit the economy: temporary shocks thatchange short-term and medium-term interest rates by much larger amountsthan long-term interest rates, causing changes in the slope of the yield curve;and long-lived innovations which have persistent effects on the level of theyield curve.

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