One important aspect of reproductive development in trematode parasites is the formation of a hardened eggshell which allows the zygote to develop into a miracidium in a hostile environment. The miracidium then can transfer the germline from the vertebrate host to snail intermediate host. Schistosome parasites, unlike other trematodes, have separate sexes and female reproductive development is known to depend on the presence of a male parasite. These facts make the blood flukes ideal material to study the mechanisms that underlie female reproductive development and eggshell formatian. We reasoned that the morphological and biochemical differences between the male and female must be reflected at the molecular level in the differential expression of sexually regulated genes. Radioactive single stranded cDNA was first transcribed from female RNA; and then sequences common to both male and female were removed by hybridization to an excess of male RNA. This probe was used to screen a cDNA library made from mRNA of adult worm paris. One hybridizing clone, pSMf 61-46, was shown to correspond to a 0.9 kilobase mRNA that is present only in mature female worms and is not detectable in female schistosomes from single-sex infections, in male worms or in eggs. Thus expression of the gene was female-specific. During normal bisexual infection this mRNA is first detected 28 days after infection (the time of worm pairing) and increases to a high level at 35 days postinfection, coinciding with egg production. Thus the temporal expression of the gene was dependent on paining with male worm. The nucleotide sequence of the gene shows an open reading frame that encodes a 16 kDA polypeptide that shows strong homology with eggshell proteins on insects. A second female-specific cDNA clone, F-4, represents a 1.6 kilobase mRNA whose expression is also correlated with worm pairing and subsequent egg production, encodes a different putative eggshell component of 44 kDA. The amino acid composition of the 16 kDA and 44 kDA polypeptides show a strong correlation with the actual amino acid composition of the schistosome eggshell. Thus these two polypeptides appear to the major components of the schistosome eggshell. Analysis of the genomic arrangement of the eggshell genes show that pl6 is represented by 5 gene copies and p48 is represented by 2-5 copies. The eggshell genes are expressed in the vitelline cell as recently demonstrated by in hybridization and immunocytochemical localization. The eggshell genes are being expressed in bacteria. The gene products will be used to study the biochemistry of eggshell formation.

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Marta Beatriz Briggs Jiménez,Lidia Leonor Cardellá Rosales,Dayamy Fuentes Guanche,Niurka González De Armas,Marta Luisa Hernández Fernández,Lázara Suarez Herrera    

ABSTRACT Objective: to develop digital educational resources for learning the subject Molecular Biology in the career of Medicine.Materials and methods: a qualitative quantitative research model was used. Theoretical and empirical methods were used.Resul... see more

Consideraciones acerca del desempeño de los docentes de Química de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina /Considerations about the performance of chemistry teachers at ELAM Consideraciones acerca del desempeño de los docentes de Química de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina /Considerations about the performance of chemistry teachers at ELAMObjetivo: analizar los referentes del desempeño de los docentes de Química vinculado con los contenidos de la Biología Molecular de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina.Materiales y Métodos: se utilizaron métodos teóricos y empíricos como el histórico lógico y el estudio documental, que permitieron la sistematización sobre el desempeño del docente de Química.Resultados: la sistematización al desempeño de los docentes de Química vinculado con los contenidos de la Biología Molecular de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina y en el Curso Preparatorio, se abordan los referentes del proceso de desempeño del docente de Química, y su relación interdisciplinaria de la Química y la Biología Molecular.Conclusiones: el estudio histórico lógico realizado al desempeño docente de Química permitió estudiar los antecedentes referidos al desempeño docente, lo cual permitió corroborar que los docentes de Química necesitan incorporar la interdisciplinariedad en su desempeño para contribuir a su formación integral.Palabras clave: desempeño; desempeño del docente de Química; interdisciplinariedad.ABSTRACTObjective: to analyze the references of the performance of the Chemistry teachers linked to the contents of the Molecular Biology of the Latin American School of MedicineMaterials and Methods: theoretical and empirical methods were used, such as the logical historical and the documentary study, which allowed the systematization of the Chemistry teacher’s performance.Results: the systematization of the Chemistry teachers’ performance linked to the contents of the Molecular Biology of the Latin American School of Medicine and the Preparatory Course, addresses the referents of the Chemistry teacher’s performance process, and their interdisciplinary relationship with the Chemistry and Molecular Biology.Conclusions: the logical historical study carried out to the teaching performance of Chemistry allowed to study the antecedents referred to the teaching performance, which allowed to corroborate that the chemistry teachers need to incorporate the interdisciplinarity in their performance to contribute to their integral formation.Keywords: performance; chemistry teacher performance; interdisciplinarity.

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Joje Mar P. Sanchez    

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Luisa Marlen Viñet Espinosa    

ABSTRACT  The Progressive Muscular Distrofias commits in a serious and irreversible way the skeletal musculature of the human organism, inside them the Muscular Distrofia of Duchenne (DMD) it is the most frequent and it constitutes a bound genetic d... see more

Lynn K. Carta, Andrea M. Skantar, Zafar A. Handoo    

Gene sequences are provided for the D3 segment of the large subunit rRNA gene in Pratylenchus agilis, P . hexincisus, P . teres, and P . zeae. They were aligned with the closest comparable previously published molecular sequences and evaluated with parsi... see more

Revista: Nematropica