ABSTRACTBackground: The Indonesian government has intervened to suppress the increasingly massive spread of the COVID-19 virus. Covid-19 has affected all age groups, although it appears to be milder in the pediatric population than adults. As for the possible reasons, the children had fewer comorbidities, did not smoke, and had lower ACE-2 expression. This study aims to identify the epidemiology of covid 19 in children, risk factors for infection and the necessary preventive measures, especially for the implementation of face-to-face schools and also the challenges. Methods: this study is a descriptive study that aims to identify the epidemiology of covid 19 in children, risk factors for infection and the necessary preventive measures, especially for the implementation of face-to-face schools and also the challenges. Results and discussion: Data on COVID-19 patients were taken in April 2021 as many as 572 patients. 94 patients (16%), while patients in the age group > 18 years were as many as 478 patients (84%). There were 49 patients (53%) with female children, while 45 patients (47%). Forty-one (41) people had symptoms (44%) while 53 people had no symptoms (56%). Most of the pediatric patients had a history of close contact with other patients as many as 88 patients (94%). Most pediatric patients live in Batu IX sub-district, Tanjungpinang City as many as 26 patients (28%). Conclusion :Face-to-face schools during the COVID-19 pandemic require sufficient resources to implement and sustain effective mitigation strategies and everyone's support is needed to ensure that schools are healthy, safe and equal for students, teachers, staff and families.Keywords: Covid-19, age group, gender and symptoms

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