Impact of the Leadership Style of CEOs of Israeli Community Centers on the Performance of the Community- Center


The community center is a typical third sector non-profit organization (NPO), which in recent years has had increasing responsibilities. The CEOs of these organizations have a pivotal role in shaping their performance. However, field research concerning the effects of different leadership styles and management skills on the center's performance is scarce. This study examined the relationships between different leadership styles and management skills and the community center's performance using a multilevel approach and different perspectives. Moreover, moderating and mediating variables were also examined to better understand if and how different leadership styles and management skills affect the center's outcomes. Two hundred forty-one individuals (directors, CEOs, employees, and customers), located in 55 centers, completed a set of questionnaires assessing the CEO's leadership styles and skills, and the center's performance. The multilevel analysis revealed effects of all leadership styles on the center's performance. An exception was transactional leadership which was not related to the center's performance. Leadership outcomes and the CEO's performance mediated most relationships. Further, seniority moderated transformational leadership – performance relationships, such that it was more robust for senior CEOs. The CEO's management skills, community skills, and education level also positively predicted the center's performance. The results imply that transformational leadership can be a protective mechanism against the burnout of the veteran CEO.

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