A Python-WSGI and PHP-Apache Web Server Performance Analysis by Search Page Generator (SPG)


The web servers (WSGI-Python) and (PHP-Apache) are in middleware tier architecture. Middleware architecture is between frontend tier and backend tier, otherwise it’s a connection between frontend tier and backend tier for three tier architecture. The ELearning systems are designed by two different dynamic web technologies. First is by Python-WSGI and the second is by Personal Home Page (PHP-Apache). The two websites were designed with different open source and cross platform web technologies programming language namely; Python and PHP in the same structure and weight will evaluate perform over two different operating systems (OSs): 1) Windows-16 and 2) Linux-Ubuntu 20.4.  Both systems run over the same computer architecture (64bit) as a server side with a common backend MySQL web database for both of them. Nevertheless, the middleware for PHP is a cross Apache MySQL PHP Perl (XAMPP), but the middleware for Python is Pycharm and the web server gateway interface (WSGI). WSGI and Apache are both web servers and this paper will show which of them has a better response time (RT). On the one hand, the experimental results demonstrate that the Python-WSGI is even weightier in Mbyte than PHP-Apache, on the other hand Python is still faster and more accurate than PHP.  The designed SPG is by handwriting codes: one time designed the SPG by PHP source code and the other time designed by Python source code. Both Python-WSGI and PHP-Apache results are targeted to compare by the least time in milliseconds and take in to account enhanced performance.


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