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Muklis Riyanto,Sudarwan Danim,Connie Connie,Wapi Pertiwi,Meilida Eka Sari,Desi Tri Anggereni,Edy Susanto    

The purpose of the study was whether there was an effect of interest and attitude on the learning outcomes of early childhood Islamic education students in the class management course at the Al-Azhaar Islamic Institute, Lubuklinggau. This type of researc... see more

Muhammad Viki Rifai,Sumarwati Sumarwati,Atikah Anindyarini    

Along with the development of technology, educators and lecturers should integrate learning with technology that involves pedagogical knowledge and mastery of the material. This framework is known as TPACK (Technology Pedagogy and Content Knowledge). Thi... see more

Sulis Setia Markhamah,Risma Margaretha Sinaga,Trisnaningsih Trisnaningsih    

Behavior that violates school rules or regulations continues to occur due to various factors. This study aimed to analyze the factors that trigger the behavior of violating the rules of conduct by students Junior High / Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Islamic ... see more

Rio Kurniawan,Mibtadin Mibtadin    

This article is based on the phenomenon labeled Islam in Solo Raya, The Integrated Islamic School (SIT) which is expected to be an alternative education for morality issues in society. SIT is antithesis of national education itself. How SIT in Solo Raya ... see more

Muhammad Fahmi Hidayatullah,Muhamad Anwar Firdausi,Muhammad Hanief    

Covid-19 is a way for each educational institution to improve quality, processes, as well as facilities and infrastructure. The epidemic indirectly demands the education institution for adaptive and innovative new life accompanied by the development of i... see more

Revista: Ulul Albab