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ISSN: 1978-225X    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 12 Number 1 Year 2018

6 articles in this issue 

Lucia Tri Suwanti,Mufasirin Mufasirin,Hani Plumeriastuti

This study aimed to determine the occurences of mice brain ventricles dilatation that congenitally infected with Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) as a marker of hydrocephalus and cellular changes in the brain. A total of twenty pregnant mice (11.5 days pregn... see more


Ratih Novita Praja,Didik Handijatno,Setiawan Koesdarto,Aditya Yudhana

This research aimed to characterize VirB4 protein of local isolate Brucella abortus with Western blotting method. The result showed that there were four protein bands with molecular weights of 64.61, 59.25, 21.63, and 16.70 kDa by triggering a reaction be... see more


Widya Septiningtyas,Eko Sugeng Pribadi,Fachriyan Hasmi Pasaribu

Brucellosis is among the important diseases in livestock because the disease infects multiple species of animals and causes economic loss. Brucellosis in sheep is generally caused by Brucella melitensis and/or Brucella ovis. This study aimed to detect ser... see more


Rosnizar Rosnizar,Kartini Eriani

This study aimed to analyze MSP-1 gene in mice erythrocyte infected with Plasmodium berghei using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The result showed the existence of 462 bp DNA band which was assumed to encode MSP-1 protein with molecular weight of 19 kDa... see more


Safika Safika,Darmawi Darmawi,Fitria Sari Ramadhani,Nurhaspika Nurhaspika,Moliwati Moliwati

This study aimed to calculate the total bacteria and to identify the proteolytic bacteria in rumen and reticulum of local Kacang goat. The samples used were the rumen and reticulum fluids of five goats at abattoirs in Banda Aceh. Isolation of proteolytic ... see more


Andhika Yudha Prawira,Desrayni Hanadhita,Anisa Rahma,Supratikno Supratikno,Savitri Novelina,Srihadi Agung Priyono

This study was conducted to investigate the histological characteristic, type, and distribution of connective tissue in Sunda porcupine skin. The investigation was carried out in three adult of sunda porcupines at microscopic level using hematoxylin eosin... see more