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ISSN: 1984-2201    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 22 Number Vol 22 (2023) Year 2023

9 articles in this issue 

José Borzacchiello da Silva

The article follows the paths of Mrs. Maria Geralda, a geographer forged from first-hand experiences in the so-called "sertão" (drylands in the Northeast of Brazil). It highlights, mainly, her stay in the state of Ceará, very expressive for the constructi... see more


Alisson Flávio Barbieri, Marden Barbosa de Campos, Diego Rodrigues Macedo, Rodrigo Coelho de Carvalho, Reinaldo Onofre dos Santos

As in many other countries, official measures of urbanization in Brazil have been unable to properly distinguish spatial patterns of rural and urban organization. The literature discusses various classification systems and recognizes the existence of a “r... see more


Solano de Souza Braga, Anderson Guzzi, Guilherme Augusto Pereira Malta

The article applies the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to evaluate tourism development on the coast of Piauí, Brazil. The assessment of the tourism territories identified on the coast of Piauí was viable due to a quantitative analysis of the region's to... see more


Beatriz Carvalho Tavares, Marcello de Barros Tomé Machado, Vander Valduga

Brazil has several regions shaped by the insertion of the coffee economy, an arrangement that highlights the coffee production chain as a structuring element of the territory. This article aims to characterize the territorialization of the coffee pro... see more


Pedro Ítalo Carvalho Aderaldo, Raul Reis Amorim, Jonas Teixeira Nery

Analyzing the nucleus of desertification called Inhamuns, located in the state of Ceará - Brazil, it is observed that the relief represented by its orography, behaves as one of the influencing factors of such process. In this article, we seek to unde... see more


Francisco Moreira Alves Junior, Masato Kobiyama, Cláudia Weber Corseuil

We aimed to evaluate the flood risk index due to the hypothetical break of the São Bento dam (SC, Brazil). The risk index was obtained by combining the hazard and vulnerability indices. The hazard index was obtained by multiplying the velocity by the... see more


Renato Emanuel Silva, Silvio Carlos Rodrigues, Antonio Avelino Batista Vieira

The biogeomorphic role of vegetation has been explored in different contexts with advances in the understanding of sedimentation and hydrodynamic changes in channels and riparian zones. However, it is yet to be better established regarding their role in s... see more


Glauciana Alves Teles, Maria da Penha dos Santos Costa

For the footwear industry, Sobral, in Ceará, stands out as the most expressive productive territory, a fact that is justified by the location of Grendene's production units. This article aimed to analyze the general aspects of territorial interactions of ... see more


Maria Gláucia Dourado Furquim, Abadia dos Reis Nascimento, João Vitor Silva Costa, Manuel Eduardo Ferreira; Lino Carlos Borges

Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) are already a reality in Brazil. They are used in different fields of knowledge to obtain digital products that contribute to the identification, monitoring, control, and precision of the agricultural decision proc... see more