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Volume 20 Number 1 Year 2023

10 articles in this issue 

Hardiani Hardiani, Sigit Sugiarto

Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji pengaruh etika kerja islam dan manajemen pengetahuan terhadap komitmen organisasi. Jenis penelitian yaitu eksploratif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif yang akan menjelaskan penyebab komitmen organisasi tinggi. Populasi sebany... see more

Pags. 1 - 11  

Angela Harianja, Jakaria Jakaria

Pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis mengenai pengaruh kesadaran masyarakat, kualitas pelayanan dan tarif pajak terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak dalam membayar pajak kendaraan bermotor pada kantor samsat di wilayah Jakarta Barat. Hasil analisis ... see more

Pags. 12 - 25  

Andhika Arafah, Rosiyana Dewi

This study refers to problems related to financial statement integrity which are influenced by various factors. So researchers want to re-examine issues related to financial statement integrity. There are still many variables that affect the integrity of ... see more

Pags. 26 - 38  

Syamsuri Rahim, Nur Wahyuni, Zulkifli Habie

This study aims to test the influence of Time Pressure (Time Pressure) and Audit Risk Against Premature Sign Off Prosedure Audit At KAP (Public Accounting Firm) South Sulawesi In Makassar. The results of this study show that: 1) Time pressure has a positi... see more

Pags. 39 - 51  

Wiwin L Husin, Poppy Muzijat

AbstractThe Effect Of Bureaucracy Reform And Employee Engagement On The Employee Performance At The Primary Taxservice Office, Gorontalo CityThis study aims to find out the effect of bureaucratic reform (X1) and employee engagement (X2) simultaneously on ... see more

Pags. 50 - 62  

Aprizal Aprizal, Nurdiansyah Nurdiansyah

PDRB is an important measure that aims to determine the economic growth of a region within a country. Positive economic growth can be seen from the increasing GRDP rate. However, a field review conducted found a finding where the decline in the quality of... see more

Pags. 63 - 72  

Muharram Muharram, Andi Batary Citta, Mukhtar Galib

This study aims to determine the effect of knowledge management on employee performance through job descriptions at PT. Bank Sulselbar Makassar. So the objectives to be achieved in this study are; 1). To find out and analyze the direct effect of knowledge... see more

Pags. 73 - 83  

Altri Wahida, Madrianah Madrianah

The purpose of this study was to find out how economic literacy and the use of Instagram social media affect people's interest in starting their own business. This research was conducted using quantitative methods and as many as 60 students from the city ... see more

Pags. 84 - 93  

Salju Salju

Employee performance is an important element in the success and growth of the organization. Employee performance can be measured through various factors that reflect their contribution to the organization. Motivation and leadership are the two main factor... see more

Pags. 94 - 103  

Mustaking Mustaking, Arifuddin Arifuddin

The purpose of this research is to analyze the extent of the influence of visionary leadership on organizational culture and organizational commitment, as well as its implications on the Performance of Civil Servants (ASN) at Terminal (A Study at the BPTD... see more

Pags. 104 - 115