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ISSN:    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 6 Number 1 Year 2021

11 articles in this issue 

(1) Bonifacius Vicky Indriyono (Information System, College of Informatics and Computer Management (STMIK) Kadiri, Indonesia)(2) Zudha Pratama (Information System, College of Informatics and Computer Management (STMIK) Kadiri, Indonesia)

Information retrieval system is a system that is widely used to retrieve information. This research will discuss how the system finds back the information stored in database tables. Tables in the database are arranged to store all forms of data entered by... see more

Pags. 1 - 7  

(6) Teguh Arifianto (Railway Electrical Engineering Indonesian Railway Polytechnic, Indonesia)(7) Anindira Listy (Electrical Engineering, Sultan Agung Islamic University, Indonesia)(8) Sunardi Sunardi (Railway Electrical Engineering Indonesian Railway Polytechnic, Indonesia)

A telemetry data monitoring system is needed to monitor land shifting. This system consists of an ATMega328 microcontroller, a Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) and a rheostat, an accelerometer sensor, a rain gauge tipping bucket, and the HC... see more

Pags. 14 - 20  

(9) Yudi Kristyawan (Informatics Department, Universitas Dr. Soetomo, Indonesia)(10) Muchammad Asro Rofi’i (Informatics Department, Universitas Dr. Soetomo, Indonesia)

The braking system is very important on a motorcycle. The primary function of the braking system is to slow down and even stop the motorcycle. The braking system using disc brakes on motorcycles is commonly used today, especially on automatic transmission... see more

Pags. 21 - 27  

(17) Ekojono Ekojono (Teknik Informatika, Politeknik Negeri Malang, Indonesia)(18) al wegi herman (Teknik Informatika, Politeknik Negeri Malang, Indonesia)(19) Mentari Mustika (Teknik Informatika, Politeknik Negeri Malang, Indonesia)

Euthynus is one of the fish that is widely consumed for the enjoyment of the people of Indonesia or abroad, because of its very soft quality, easy to obtain, and contains a lot of essential protein amino acids that are good for the body. This research aim... see more

Pags. 40 - 48  

(20) Akhsani Taqwiym (STMIK GI MDP, Indonesia)

Technological developments in supporting and assisting all human work activities are felt to be equally beneficial. Shirouoshien is a business that is engaged in commerce and offering products that it sells to its customers. Shirouoshien uses a website-ba... see more

Pags. 49 - 53  

(24) Mohammad Zoqi Sarwani (Informatics Engineering Department, Merdeka University Pasuruan, Indonesia)(25) Dian Ahkam Sani (Informatics Engineering Department, Merdeka University Pasuruan, Indonesia)

The Internet creates a new space where people can interact and communicate efficiently. Social media is one type of media used to interact on the internet. Facebook and Twitter are one of the social media. Many people are not aware of bringing their perso... see more

Pags. 61 - 64  

(26) Rudi Hariyanto (Informatics Engineering Department, Universitas Merdeka Pasuruan, Indonesia)(27) Mohammad Zoqi Sarwani (Informatics Engineering Department, Universitas Merdeka Pasuruan, Indonesia)

In the implementation of learning, several factors affect the student learning process, including internal factors, external factors, and learning approach factors. For example, the physical and spiritual condition of students. Physiological aspects (body... see more

Pags. 65 - 68