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Volume 5 Number 3 Year 2016

7 articles in this issue 


Abstract. With the transition from modernism to postmodernism, identity as a concept has started to become redefined in sociology literature. The aim of this study is to show that postmodernism and symbolic interactionism are fused together to delineate b... see more

Pags. 21 - 28  

Viorica Jelev

Specialists claim that Eco-Bio-economy or social economy is the economy of future, in the service of human life by the rational use of environmental resources. The concept brings together in an integrated manner, according to the researchers, economy, eco... see more

Pags. 29 - 37  

Luise Mladen,Rocsana Tonis (Bucea-Manea)

From all times it has been demonstrated that human resource is the most important and valuable asset for a company. Investing in human resource training and education should be a priority for organizations and universities. As the investments to bring ben... see more

Pags. 38 - 45  

Claudia Gabriela Baicu

We are living today in a world of huge challenges, deep interconnections, profound mutations and global risks under the impact of several factors among which climate change, innovation, increased competition or evolution of technology could be mentioned..... see more

Pags. 4  

Elena Gurgu,Aristide Dumitru Cociuban

Abstract. The purpose of this article is to make known the new type of public diplomacy and the effects this new diplomacy can have internationally. The objectives of our article refer to the context of change, the role of the media in public diplomacy, n... see more

Pags. 46 - 56  

Lenka Pelegrinová,Martin Lacný

Intellectual property as assets in intangible form is classified in most countries under the definitions of the TRIPS Agreement and PCT according to the manner of its protection. This article presents results of an analysis of relationship between th... see more

Pags. 5 - 20