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Volume 4 Number 1 Year 2015

8 articles in this issue 

Nur Wulan

This article discusses about ideal masculine norms perceived by University male Muslim students in Surabaya. There are two groups of male students interviewed in this research, namely students affiliated with the Dakwah movement and those who are not affi... see more


Dheny Jatmiko

This research’s title is Estetika Sastra Populer d Novel Mencari Sarang Angin Karya Suparto Brata. This research is aiming to elaborate the story of Mencari Sarang Angin by Suparto Brata. This research is done because Suparto Brat... see more


Ghanesa Hari Murti

Analisa wajah kemacetan Jakarta dalam Koran “Ahok: Mobil Mewah Boleh Lewat Jalur Transjakarta, Asal…” merupakan upaya selebrasi pembacaan. Dekonstruksi sebagai cara baca menelanjangi teks mampu mengidentifikasi teks yang terpusat, final dan tertu... see more


Ikhwan Setiawan

This article deals with the discussion of cultural discourses in Indonesian televisions, from the New Order until the Reformation period. Applying Foucauldian and Gramscian theory as the primary framework and media theory as the supporting framework in re... see more


Pariyanto Pariyanto

The rising popularity of modern bikes has replaced sepeda kebo (Indonesia’s old-fashioned bike) as one of common means of transportation in Indonesia. Sepeda kebo nowadays is considered as antique that implicates on impression of sepeda kebo riding as non... see more


Rima Firdaus Lahdji

This research aims to (1) to find women body construction on popular dangdut stories on 2000-2013 and (2) to understand the meaning and discourse on popular dangdut stories on 2000-2013. This study applied Sara Mills discourse analysis which focuses on su... see more


Tian Belawati

Most of Indonesian politicians used internet and social media for campaign. The phenomena of twitwar, counter attack tweet, and black campaign using ironical and sarcasm words were massively appearing during presidential election which has been held in Ju... see more


Stefanus Rudyanto

Keris pusaka or heirloom keris is a heritage of culture from Indonesia. Speaking about keris pusaka, there are some perspectives, they are, philosophy, art, and magical power inside of it. This research is using ethnography methodology to comprehend the m... see more