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Volume 29 Number 2 Year 2013

21 articles in this issue 

Tiberio C. Monterrubio-Rico,Daniel Guido Lemus,Juan Felipe Charre-Medellín,María Guadalupe Zavala-Paramo,Gabriela Padilla-Jacobo,Horacio Cano-Camacho,Livia Leon-Paniagua

We captured three individuals of Peter’s squirrel (Sciurus oculatus), species listed under special protection and endemic for central Mexico. The captures occurred on oak forest fragments from Huandacareo municipality, Michoacán. With the record of this p... see more


Gloria Tapia-Ramírez,Celia López-González,Diego F. García-Mendoza,Juan F. Charre-Medellín,Tiberio Monterrubio-Rico

The bats Glyphonycteris sylvestris and Glossophaga leachii, as well as the margay(Leopardus wiedii) and spotted skunk (Spilogale gracilis) are reported for the first time for the states of Durango and Nayarit, respectively. Additionally, the presence of t... see more


Sergio Hernández-Rodríguez,Aldo I. Ortega-Morales,Ma. Teresa Valdés-Perezgasga,Francisco Javier Sánchez-Ramos,Javier López-Hernández,Jaime Santillán-Santana

We conducted a study to determinate the richness of cockroaches in the urban area of Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico. Six species were recorded, which result new regional records. Interspecific relationships of these species are also documented.


José Luis Salinas–Gutiérrez

I present two species and five subspecies as new records for Guatemala, as well as confirmed the presence of three subspecies. And I mention some issues about taxonomic and distributional information. Also, I mention the data of one Ithomiini (clearwings)... see more


Fabiola Arce Domínguez,Jhon Tailor Rengifo Mosquera

Se estudió la dieta de dos especies simpátricas de dendrobátidos, Oophaga histrionica y Phyllobates aurotaenia, en Pie de Pató, Municipio del Alto Baudó, Chocó. Se examinaron los contenidos gastrointestinales de 40 especímenes (20 para cada especie). Los ... see more

Pags. 255 - 268  

Viridiana Llaven-Macías

El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un listado de las especies de mamíferos de un bosque ribereño en la cuenca media del río Grijalva, Chiapas, México; con información acerca del estado de conservación, endemismo, abundancia, riqueza y diversidad. Se... see more

Pags. 287 - 303  

Laura D. Ortega-Arenas,Ángel Villegas-Monter,Alberto J. Ramírez-Reyes,Edgar E. Mendoza-García

Seasonal abundance of the “Asian Citrus Psyllid”, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, wasevaluated on citrus groves in the region of Cazones, Veracruz, Mexico. For the period from February 2010 to February 2012, biweekly records for adult specimens were made using... see more

Pags. 317 - 333  

Lizbeth Hernández-Landa,José López-Collado,Carlos G. García-García,Francisco Osorio-Acosta,Martha E. Nava-Tablada

Orange jasmine (Murraya paniculata) is a garden host plant of Diaphorina citri, the vector of the pathogen that causes Huanglongbing, a lethal citrus disease. It is therefore important to know how vector populations fluctuate in urban areas over time, in ... see more

Pags. 334 - 345  

Alfredo Ramírez-Serrano,Guillermo Romero Gómez,Jesús Romero Nápoles

Four species of Bruchidae (Coleoptera) in three genera were reared from Indigofera densiflora M. Martens & Galeotti seeds: Acanthoscelides kingsolveri Johnson, A. ruficoxis (Sharp), Margaritabruchus cherylae Romero & Johnson, and Meibomeus campbelli Kings... see more

Pags. 346 - 362  

Evert Villanueva-Sánchez,Sergio Ibáñez-Bernal,Refugio Lomelí-Flores,Jorge Valdez-Carrasco

The aim of this study was to identify and characterize the developmental stages of the most abundant black fly species associated with poinsettia crops (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch) in the producing area of Central Mexico. Collecting samples ... see more

Pags. 363 - 375  

Jorge Víctor Horta-Vega,Maximiliano Vanoye-Eligio,Mauricio Emanuel García-Gutiérrez,Juana María Coronado-Blanco,Ludivina Barrientos-Lozano

A total of 67 species and 23 genera of Crabronidae (Hymenoptera) are recorded from 339 specimens collected in 2.3 ha of a spiny shrub located in “Cañón del Novillo” in Victoria, Tamaulipas, México. The high species richness and diversity index found for t... see more

Pags. 376 - 387  

Verónica Lorena Romero,Mario Luis Chatellenaz

The Mazama gouazoubira population density was estimated in the Mburucuyá National Park (Corrientes, Argentina). The assessment methods used where: strip transects sampling. Samplings were performed from June 2008 to February 2011, distributed at summer an... see more

Pags. 388 - 399  

Gonzalo Halffter,Matthias Rös

Several recent studies insist that multiplying the indices used to measure biological diversity (or rather, characteristics, related to it) makes no contribution to comparative studies, or to our understanding of the importance and characteristics of the ... see more

Pags. 400 - 411  

Héctor E. Ramírez-Chaves,Juan Manuel Chaves-Salazar,Richard Hernán Mendoza-Escobar

We present a new record of the culpeo (Lycalopex culpaeus) from southwestern Colombia, and discuss the previous records and localities of the species in the country. The species is known from three confirmed localities; two of them are represented by vouc... see more

Pags. 412 - 422  

Julieta Grajales-Conesa,Virginia Meléndez-Ramírez,Leopoldo Cruz-López,Daniel Sánchez

The objective of this study was to determine the richness and abundance of bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in orange and lemon orchards in bloom in Yucatan, Mexico. Eight were collected species of bees; 98% of the specimens corresponded to Apis mellifera, and... see more

Pags. 437 - 440  

Salvador J. Loranca-Bravo,Ricardo Rodríguez-Estrella,Amando Bautista Ortega

We report three new bird records for the state of Tlaxcala, Mexico, particularly for the National Park La Malinche, probably a resident and overwintering population of Falco peregrinus and an overwintering population of F. columbarius, and one species tha... see more

Pags. 441 - 447  

Bedir G. Martínez-Quintero,Carlos A. Cultid-Medina,Juan C. Rudas-Grajales

We describe a new inexpensive and simple method for marking large dung beetles (>10 mm), which consists in tattooing a consecutive number on their elytra or pronotum with a Mototool. The recapture rate (18.5% of 1886 marked individuals) throughout five... see more

Pags. 448 - 451  

Santiago Niño Maldonado,Eva Ivette De León González,Jacqueline Y. Miller,Uriel Jeshua Sánchez Reyes

Nine specimens belonging to two species of the family Castniidae were collected: Athis delecta (Shaus, 1911) (one specimen) was recorded in vegetation of Matorral and Athis inca orizabensis (Strand, 1913) (eight specimens) in Selva baja subcaducifolia wit... see more

Pags. 452 - 453  

Cintia Natalia Martín-Regalado,Mario C. Lavariega,Rosa Ma. Gómez Ugalde

 This note reports a historic record of the Central American Tapir, Tapirus bairdii, for the Coastal Plain of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Oaxaca, Mexico. The record was dated to the decade of 1950, and was found 40 km from the closest historic loca... see more

Pags. 454 - 457  

Juana María Coronado Blanco,Enrique Ruiz Cancino

Braconidae is one of the insect families with more diversity in the world. Pambolinae is one of the most distinctive subfamilies because the spines present on the propodeum. In this note, Pambolus oblongispina Papp is a new record for Mexico, collected in... see more

Pags. 458 - 461