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Volume 8 Number 4 Year 2023

24 articles in this issue 

Risma Hardiyanti,I Dewa Ayu Devi Maharani Santika

This research, titled Tag Questions: Olivia Pope's Linguistic Dominance in "Scandal" TV Show, Season 5, examined language features used mostly by women. The research sought to identify the tag question as one of the gender-specific linguistic elements uti... see more

Pags. 569 - 576  

Rizkina Damayanti,Mutiarani Mutiarani

The objective of this study is to know the influence using journaling on EMMO application to enhance students’ descriptive text writing. This research was conducted in SMP Arraisiyah Pamulang, South Tangerang. The population of this research was 8th grade... see more

Pags. 577 - 583  

I Gde Saputra Pratama,Ni Wayan Suastini

This study discusses the importance of effective communication in exchanging information and ideas between individuals through verbal and visual signs. A semiotic approach is used to analyze the meaning contained in the Instagram KitKat poster. The theory... see more

Pags. 584 - 595  

Ida Ayu Kadek Nova Chintya Dwipa Datu

 In this study, the types of coordinating conjunctions used in sentences about the Titanic on are analyzed.  This study's objective is to identify the different kinds of coordinating conjunctions used in compound phrases. In this ... see more

Pags. 596 - 602  

Ridwan Ritonga,Raden Muhammad Ardansyah Kurniawan

Language politeness is a code of conduct determined and agreed upon by a particular community, therefore politeness is also an agreed condition in behaving in society. This study discusses the style of Prophet Sulaiman according to Leech's theory. This re... see more

Pags. 603 - 611  

Ni Kadek Ayu Riantini

Most Model in Indonesia use English mix with Indonesian language in their utterances. Therefore code mixing often can be seen there. This study aims to find out the type of code mixing found in Frederika Cull on Podcast YouTube Channel in the video podcas... see more

Pags. 612 - 618  

Risadatul Ulwiyah

This article discusses existentialism in Arabic literature. The purpose of this study is to describe the philosophical foundations that underlie existentialism, models or forms of existentialism, figures who apply existentialism in their literature works,... see more

Pags. 619 - 627  

Rita Napitupulu,Tiurmaya Agustina,Susanti -

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tema dan alasan penulisan tema tersebut dalam puisi-puisi pilihan Edgar Allan Poe. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam penelitian ini data diamb... see more

Pags. 628 - 639  

Muh. Zulkarnain

Ketidaksetaraan peran laki-laki dan perempuan menimbulkan munculnya gerakan feminisme, tak terkecuali di dunia Arab. Dalam menyuarakan visi-visinya, perempuan muslim Arab menggunakan berbagai media salah satunya adalah film. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk... see more

Pags. 640 - 653  

Anthony Hualangi,Ayu Permatasari

This research aims to determine the ability of STBA-PIA Medan Semester IV 2021/2022 Academic Year students to use the verbs "renwei" and "yiwei" and describe the factors that influence this ability. This research uses an integrative research design, where... see more

Pags. 654 - 663  

Ervina Ervina Annisa

The use of Team Game Tournament learning model in the classroom is still rarely used in classes in Indonesia. However, this Classroom Action Research shows an increase in each cycle that occurs when conducting research. The purpose of this study was to de... see more

Pags. 664 - 679  

Rosni Harahap,Robiyatul Adawiyah,Nurul Khoiron Pasari

Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada pembaca, bagaimana numeral diajarkan pada mahasiswa PKN semester II di Universitas Graha Nusantara yang berjumlah 15 mahasiswa.  Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Jenis nu... see more

Pags. 690 - 694  

Winda Kholila,Dr.Husniah Ramadhani Pulungan, S.Pd., M.Hum.,Devinna Riskiana Aritonang, M.Pd.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis gaya bahasa dalam menulis puisi bebas peserta didik kelas X di SMA Negeri 4 Padangsidimpuan. Metode penelitian ini merupakan metode kualitatif. Informan dalam penelitian ini yaitu: guru, peserta didik kelas X MI... see more

Pags. 695 - 704  

Nur Mannah

The purpose of this study was to determine the mastery of diction, the ability to write explanatory texts and the influence of diction mastery on the ability of explanatory texts of grade XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Siabu for the 2022-2023 academic year. ... see more

Pags. 705 - 717  

Tika Fitriyah,Isyqie Firdausah

Language and humans are two inseparable entities. Both of them influence each other. The purpose of the study is to reveal the acquisition of syntax that occurs in early childhood. This research is significant because the development of language acquisiti... see more

Pags. 718 - 727  

Dewi Kartika Tjong,Servanus Dharmawan Putra

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Kemampuan siswa kelas 6 SD BIM dalam menggunakan kata keterangan Waktu “Like” dan “Mashang” dan menguraikan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kemampuan tersebut. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penelitian menggu... see more

Pags. 728 - 734  

Febyanti Fadhliatul Rizqi

Penelitian ini membahas tentang gaya bahasa wanita Arab Saudi berdasarkan karakteristik bahasa perempuan menurut Robin T. Lakoff. Dalam penggunaan bahasa, kelompok laki-laki dan perempuan dipersepsikan menampilkan cara berbicara yang berbeda. Tujuan dari ... see more

Pags. 735 - 744  

Windy Glorya Margareth Panjaitan,Frinawaty Lestarina Barus

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat adanya pengaruh dari penerapan model pembelajaran AIR (Auditory, Intellectualy, Repetition) terhadap kemampuan menulis teks eksplanasi oleh siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 45 Medan. dalam penelitian ini populasi yang dig... see more

Pags. 745 - 751  

Karina, Lindawaty Rukitan

The purpose of this research is to determine the types of psychological conflict and the factors that cause psychological conflict in the main characters in the films "Mama Loves Me Once Again" and "Mulan: Rise of a Warrior". In this research, qualitative... see more

Pags. 752 - 763  

Cynthia Hualangi,Vincent -

This research is to determine the ability of STBA-PIA students in the VIII semester of the 2021/2022 academic year in using the adverb of modality “Xingkui” and “Xinghao” and explaining the factors that influence this ability. The research uses an integra... see more

Pags. 764 - 773  

Finna Andriani

AbstractThe aim of this research is to describe the level of application ability and understanding of students at SMA 1 Kalam Kudus Medan regarding the use of Mandarin auxiliary words for container numbers. To achieve this goal, researchers used a quantit... see more

Pags. 774 - 780  

kesumawaty wijaya,Yuliandre Wijaya Ng,Herry Gunawan

 Penelitian ini membahas tentang persamaan dan perbedaan Kata Bantu Bilangan- Kata Kerja bahasa Mandarin dan bahasa Indonesia. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penulis menggunakan teori analisis kontrastif dan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif ... see more

Pags. 781 - 798  

Mimi Rosadi,Ridwan Syahputra

Model pembelajaran kontekstual (contextual teacheing and learning (CTL) merupakan konsep belajar yang membantu guru mengaitkan antara materi yang diajarkan dengan situasi dunia nyata siswa dan mendorong siswa membuat hubungan antara pengethauan yang dimil... see more

Pags. 799 - 807  

Ni Luh Putu Unix Sumartini,Anak Agung Ayu Meitridwiastiti

Pelatihan berbicara (speaking) dalam bahasa Inggris membutuhkan metode khusus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa efektif penerapan metode crossword puzzle terhadap hasil pelatihan berbicara bahasa Inggris bagi karyawan LPD (Lembaga Perkre... see more

Pags. 808 - 816