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Volume 1 Number 1 Year 2016

14 articles in this issue 

Prof. Mudjiran

The research is based on the problems low emotional intelligence of students. The purpose of research is to gain an overview of the increase emotional intelligence of students through the Guidance Services Group at SMA Negeri 10 Padang. True experimental ... see more


Khairul Amri

SMP Negeri 7 Padangsidimpuan City is an educational institution located in the village of Pokenjior Angkola Julu Padangsidimpuan City, which has the vision and mission to build and create a good student, intelligent and accomplished. The vision of the Cit... see more



This thesis entitled "The effectiveness of Islamic Counseling in Shaping Social Personality high school students in the country 6 Padangsidimpuan. Preparation of this paper is motivated importance of service orientation.Problems that exist in this thesis ... see more


Rosnasari Marbun

The study was based on issues found in research that is the irrational fear when dealing with people, it arises because of the lack of confidence of students. Problems can be formulated as follows: (1) How confident students before and after the service g... see more


Erlina Harahap

This study is based on problems that (1) Teachers have not been up to implement the service of moral guidance in understanding the student information. (2) Students are difficult to interact with their peers. (3) students against teachers. (4) Students sp... see more


Linda Fitria

The research is based on the problem of the low student motivation in the school environment and the general problem of this research is "How to increase student motivation through counseling services engineering group play" ?. Which is formulated as foll... see more


Malim Saleh

The role and presence of guidance and counseling teachers in addressing low achievement in school is very important. It can be seen from the results of interviews and research conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Angkola Timur, with the title of Master of Guidance a... see more


Nor Mita Ika Saputri

This thesis entitled "The Effectiveness of the Implementation of Personal Card to Establish Positive Behavior students at SMAN 6 Doctrine Padangsidimpuan years 2014-2015. Preparation of this paper is motivated importance of personal cards to form the posi... see more


Nurhasanah Pardede

The study was based on students' learning problems are still low. The research problem is How to overcome the difficulties of student learning. Which is formulated as follows: (1) How is the role of guidance and counseling teachers in addressing students'... see more


Safwan Adiputra

The research is based on the problem of the lack of student attitudes in communicating with teachers. The research problem is the attitude of students is not good. Which is formulated as follows: (1) Is there an increase in the effectiveness of student at... see more


- Sukatno

This thesis entitled "Implementation Information Services To Reduce Smoking Habits of Students at SMK Negeri 1 Padangsidimpuan" preparation of this paper is motivated importance of knowledge about the dangers of smoking in adolescence and how to reduce th... see more


Uli Anto Hutagalung

Adapun rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah ada pengaruh kepribadian dan kedisiplinan guru terhadap prestasi belajar akuntansi pada materi gaji dan upah karyawan peserta didik kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri 1 sibabangun tahun pelajaran 2015-2016 ?S... see more


Harun Arrasyid

Penelitian ini didasarkan atas permasalahan masih rendah pengetahuan siswa tentang perkembangan sikap dilingkungan sekolah secara umum permasalahan peneliti ini adalah “Apakah siswa dapat memahami perkembangan sikap melalui layanan bimbingan kelompok? Yan... see more


Fitri Yuniza

The study was based on issues found in research are: 1) Some students are less earnest in learning. 2) During school hours lasted most students roam outdoors. 3) Some students come to school not only to learn but only to seek sensation. 4) Some students o... see more