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Volume 3 Number 1 Year 2017

5 articles in this issue 

Gunawan Gunawan

This paper aims at describing the natures of Hyponormal operator to secure the existence of Weyl’s theorem. The discussion on Weyl’s theorem requires definitions of compact, Fredhlom, and Weyl’s operator. In addition, samples and natures of compact and Fr... see more

Pags. 1 - 6  

Rafendra Agustianda Putra, Muhammad Muhajir

In an effort to increase the growth an area, the government tried to advance sectors that can grow the economy in an area, one of them is gross regional domestic product (GDRP) data. A region that has an average areas with low GRDP but in the region there... see more

Pags. 7 - 14  

Siti Alfiatur Rohmaniah

Value at Risk (VaR) can be simply defined as an estimate of the maximum potential loss under the normal market conditions at a specific time period and with the specific confidence level. For the calculation can be done by various methods including VaR pa... see more

Pags. 15 - 20  

Awawin Mustana Rohmah

Model that describes the epidemic spread of disease can spread in this area, one of which can be formed in the mathematical model of endemic SIR (susceptible, infected, and recovery). Based on the model, we can analysis existence and uniqueness, it shows ... see more

Pags. 21 - 28  

Yayuk Setyaning Astuti, Dian Tresnawan

There are several factors that affect the study period of students at the International University of Batam (UIB) such as GPA, Parents Earnings, School Origin, and others. Therefore, it is necessary to do research to find out the factors that significantl... see more

Pags. 29 - 38