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Number Arbejde - sundhed og sygdom Year 2012

8 articles in this issue 

Anne Møller, Susanne Reventlow

Physical activity in leisure-time is recommended by authorities as healthy while physical activity at work is often considered to be harmful to your health. In Denmark the term ‘nedslidning’ is used to describe the gradual physical deterioration due to ex... see more


Einar Baldvin Baldursson

It is often argued, that modern work and living in globalized knowledge society involve new demands and social stressors. This paper argues that it is meaningful to assume the existence of a psychological immune system that has emerged through the evoluti... see more


Eva Ladekjær Larsen, Pernille Tanggaard Andersen, Carsten Kronborg Bak

We live in a modern society where working life both is a source to identity and wealth and at the same time occupy our time and energy. But how is it to be unemployed and excluded from this working community? And why is it so hard to reintegrate people at... see more


Torunn S. Olsen, Nils Fleten

Most Western countries require a medical certificate for payment of sickness benefits in prolonged absence spells. Based on an intervention enabling self-certified sick leave up to 365 days in the municipality of Mandal, this article discusses whether a m... see more


Tina Bømler

This article discusses the obligatory job activation measures directed toward workers receiving temporary sickness benefits, a policy that took effect on 1. January 2010. The requirement that workers on sick leave be subject to activation measures so they... see more


Claus D. Hansen

What can we learn about the relation between work and sickness by studying incapacity for work as it manifests itself in the way in which the phenomenon is discursively constructed and regulated by law in the period from 1950 to the present? This question... see more


Steen Brock, Bo Allesøe Christensen

This paper begins by recounting important phases in the development of the concept of labour. Then the Capability Approach to welfare economy, by Amartya Sen, is presented as is the direction of socio-psychology called Positioning Theory. Accordingly, the... see more