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ISSN: 1693-6922    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 22 Number 2 Year 2023

22 articles in this issue 

lukmanul hakim, A.M. Fadli Dzil Jalal Dzil Jalal

This research aims to compare two Islamic economists, namely Umer Chapra and Dawam Rahardjo, regarding Islamic banking, which includes its goals, principles, and systems. The method used in this research is the literature study method; besides that, this ... see more

Pags. 119 - 136  

Moh Hasibuddin, Mahfida Inayati, Mohammad Hasan

Traditional Islamic education thinking is one of the Islamic understandings that is widely adopted by the Indonesian population and this is very popular. This modern Islamic educational thinking is not only enjoying an increasingly advanced era but still ... see more

Pags. 137 - 147  

Rahmawati Rahma, Royhain Iqbal, Mohammad Hasan

The process of the arrival of Islam in Indonesia can be understood from various opinions that can historically be explained in several theories below: Indian theory, Persian theory, theory, China, and Arab theory. The idea of education in Islam during the... see more

Pags. 148 - 160  

Atik Silvia, Rahmawati Rahmawati, Abd. Mukhid

of an independent learning curriculum through the Two Stay Two Stray model with the concept of two stay two guests. The research methods used in this study are descriptive qualitative research methods and data collection techniques in the form of observat... see more

Pags. 161 - 170  

Mohammad Juhri, Zainab Nurlaili, Ali Nurhadi

The current quality concern is one that affects an organization's ability to survive. Quality must be prioritized in all areas of the organization, including education, if it is to remain sustainable. As a result, quality assurance is very important and m... see more

Pags. 171 - 178  

Achmad Achmad, Ali Nurhadi, Mahfida Inayati

In every educational institution there is a context of quality development through RKS / M (School / Madrasah Work Plan). This is very important in developing a quality institution because this school work plan is the strongest milestone in all aspects of... see more

Pags. 179 - 186  

Asniah . .

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi pengaruh pelaksanaan daurah Al-Quran terhadap penggalian hikmah dan penguatan spiritual santriwan/wati Pondok Pesantren Al-Kautsar. Daurah Al-Quran adalah kegiatan intensif yang melibatkan studi, refleksi, da... see more

Pags. 187 - 197  

Fauzatul Jannah, Zainab Nur Laili

Moderasi beragama merupakan kebaikan moral bersama yang sesuai dengan perilaku dan perikehidupan individu maupun kelompok atau lembaga. Memilih jalan tengah di antara dua kutub ekstrem dan berlebih-lebihan merupakan sikap beragama yang paling ideal.Jenisp... see more

Pags. 198 - 209  

Royhan Iqbal, Ali Nurhadi

AbstractCulture will continue to develop and change in line with the times, the acceleration of the development of science and technology, as well as the development of human intelligence, It is necessary to have an organizational culture in the performan... see more

Pags. 210 - 217  

Ali Fauzi, Binti Maunah

The most important part of an organization apart from technology and capital is human resources (HR). This is because humans themselves control other elements. This study aims to examine and determine the Implementation of the Human Resource Management St... see more

Pags. 218 - 230  

Ali Nizar Fudholi, Ali Nurhadi

AbstrakQuality is a quality that needs to be developed with a series of concepts and managerial in an effort to achieve the quality goals themselves. Quality management is not only related to something related to facilities, teacher professionalism but al... see more

Pags. 231 - 241  

Eva Wulandari

Education is a conscious and planned effort from someone who is an adult, whether a parent, teacher or individual, to someone who is considered immature in accordance with Islamic teachings (Al-Qur'an and Hadith) so that it can give rise to faith, worship... see more

Pags. 242 - 250  

Ulfatul Mukhlishah, Muhammad Nur Faiz, Jumari Jumari

The goal of moral education in Islam is to develop positive traits in humans so that their morality will develop, so that they are always open to doing good and able to distance themselves from all forms of evil. Thus, a person can become a human being wh... see more

Pags. 251 - 260  

Yunita Angraini, Yulis Maulinda

Axiology is a branch of philosophy that talks about or discusses orientation or value in a life. Axiology is divided into two, namely ethics and aesthetics. Ethics is divided into two, the first is descriptive ethics and the second is normative ethics, wh... see more

Pags. 261 - 270  

Thahir Thahir, Ach. Suhaimi

This research is motivated by the application of contextual learning strategies using audio-visual media in a learning process in the classroom. The learning process in the classroom is a very important thing that a teacher needs to pay attention to. The ... see more

Pags. 271 - 285  

Akbar Rosyidi Datmi, Mhd. Abdul Hakim Nasution, M. Fauzi Sabana, Lidya Ningsih

This study discusses the relationship between tradition and religion carried out by the fishing community of Pantai Kelang, Sei Naga Lawan Village. The question is asked how the tradition of sea banquets has an Islamic perspective. This paper uses the fie... see more

Pags. 286 - 302  

Haditsa Qur'ani Nurhakim

Financing Management is a process in optimizing existing funding sources, allocating available funds and distributing them as facilities or means of supporting the learning process so as to create an effective and efficient learning process. Education fin... see more

Pags. 303 - 313  

Asep Wijaya

This research aims to provide basic knowledge, especially in the world of education, so that evaluation can be carried out. This research method is literature. The data collection technique used by researchers is collecting data from various library sourc... see more

Pags. 314 - 322  

Jenny Fransiska

Excellent human resources are a country's greatest asset, so that this nation can easily keep up with the rapid progress of this era. Furthermore, superior human resources reflect the successful management of educational institutions in a country. This st... see more

Pags. 323 - 331  

Mirzon Daheri

Reconstructionism is a flow in educational philosophy that seeks to change old structures and create a modern cultural order. This school also aims to achieve understanding between individuals in order to regulate human life and the environment. Currently... see more

Pags. 332 - 347  

Anisatul Fitri

Madrasah is a place or institution for the implementation of Islamic education that has a long history. The rise of madrasas is the beginning of the formation of formal Islamic educational institutions. Institutionally, since the classical period until no... see more

Pags. 348 - 361  

Nilna Fauza

This research aims to reveal how the emergency situation actually is and its implications for responding to the COVID-19 pandemic by focusing on the monumental work of Syekh Wahbah az-Zuhaili, namely al-Tafsir al-Munir fi al-'Aqidah, wa al-Syari'ah wa al-... see more

Pags. 362 - 380