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ISSN: 0816-9020    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 35 Number 1 Year 2020

5 articles in this issue 

Janet Cochrane

This article investigates the complexities influencing students’ access to ICT in order to effect a positive academic outcome. The digital divide metaphor (van Dijk, 2002) has re-entered common parlance in the wake of students being required to learn at h... see more


Ali Alhramelah, Hamed Alshahrani

The concept of ‘Blended learning’ is presently one of the most widely discussed topics in education. Blended learning (BL) is a hybrid learning approach. BL combines dual or multiple teaching modals, most frequently traditional classroom learning with eLe... see more



This study aimed at investigating teachers’ Interactive White Boards (IWB) integration in the margin of psychological model of technophobia (Brosnan, 1998). The data were collected by a questionnaire including nine open-ended questions and demographics. T... see more


Jacquie Tinkler

This research captured the views of secondary school students in relation to their use of digital technologies for learning, both now and in the future. Four groups of students participated in the production of hand-drawn concept maps, followed by focus g... see more


Thomas Knaus

When “software takes command”, people take fright – a reaction which frequently accompanies change or novelty. Their fears are understandable, but they also cloud people’s view of the potentials that digital tools and digital media hold for society and es... see more