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Volume 1 Number 1 Year 2097

6 articles in this issue 

Edward L Jackiewicz, Jim Craine

Panama has emerged as an important destination for US citizens seeking an affordable and ‘exotic’ place to invest, relocate or live out their “golden years”.  The result on the Panamanian landscape to date has been uneven and its implications to ... see more


Annie Linderson

This article introduces and evaluates an ethnological qualitatively-based multi-method approach in researching lifestyle migrant’s transnational practices in destinations of lifestyle migration. Drawing on research of individual and collective practic... see more


Mari Korpela

The article investigates Western lifestyle migrants in the city of Varanasi in northern India. Relying on interview material, the author first discusses how the Westerners distinguish themselves from “ordinary” people in their countries of origin. How... see more


Omar Lizárraga Morales

Today, in several Latin American countries, such as Colombia, Costa Rica, Brazil, and principally Mexico, we are witnessing a migratory movement from Canada and the United States.  These migrants have the common characteristics of time and econom... see more