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ISSN: 2580-0078    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 6 Number 1 Year 2022

6 articles in this issue 

Asni Hasaini, Muhlisoh Muhlisoh, Diana Pefbrianti, Raziansyah Raziansyah

The Prevalence in Indonesia of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is 3.7%. Periodic coughing, dyspnea, and sputum production is symptoms caused and shortness of breath is the main complaint when it comes to health services. C... see more

Pags. 1 - 9  

Ferdinda Ajeng Selyani, Dhian Ririn Lestari, Kurnia Rachmawati

Dysmenorrhea is a feeling of pain in lower abdomen at the time of menstruation. Someone become more very emotional when dysmenorrhea due to excessive estrogen production. Coping mechanism is needed as the ability to organize emotions and to get through in... see more

Pags. 10 - 17  

Katarina Sembiring, Subhannur Rahman, Rian Tasalim

The Covid-19 outbreak has plagued the entire world, so the WHO has included this outbreak in the category of a pandemic. In Indonesia, the data on cases of positive Covid-19 patients on March 2, 2020 were 4,239,396 people. Losses caused by the pandemic su... see more

Pags. 18 - 25  

Muhsinin Muhsinin, Noorlia Wahdaniah

Tindakan injeksi imunisasi dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada jaringan yang selanjutnya akan melepaskan histamin dan mediator inflamasi yang menyebabkan proses rasa nyeri pada bayi. Salah satu tekhnik penuruan nyeri dengan cara non farmakologi adalah dengan... see more

Pags. 26 - 33  

Muhammad Riduansyah, Novie Ahdiyat

Decubitus is a problem faced by chronic disease patients, very weak patients, and patients who have been paralyzed for a long time, even now it is a secondary suffering experienced by many hospitalized patients, especially in the ICU. Objective: To determ... see more

Pags. 34 - 38  

Yustan Azidin, Rita Kirana, Muhammad Dony Akbar, Rohni Taufika Sari

Latar belakang: salah satu peran kepala ruangan adalah mentoring perawat pelaksana dalam mengimplementasikan pendokumetasian. Penulisan pendokumentasian pada Catatan Perkembangan Pasien terintegrasi agar perkembangan pasien kesehatan pasien dapat terpanta... see more

Pags. 39 - 47