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ISSN: 2252-5904    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 8 Number 1 Year 2020

12 articles in this issue 

Lenny Yanthiani

Nowadays, Islamic pawning products have developed quite rapidly. In its operation, Islamic pawn products generally used the ijarah contract system. Ijarah agreement is a contract in the form of transferring the right to use goods and / or services through... see more

Rahn |  Ijarah |  Ujrah |  Moral Value | 
Pags. 1 - 9  

Thoriqoh Nashrullah Fitriyah

The development and growth of shari'a banks after more than two decades in Indonesia is very spectacular, so that spurred the level of economic growth, but if it is related to the substance of the objectives of sharia bank establishment is the alleviation... see more

Pags. 10 - 18  

Muhiddin Muhiddin

In the civil procedural law, the certainty of the truth of the events proposed at the trial depends very much on the evidence carried out by the parties concerned. As a consequence, the truth is said to exist or be reached if there is a match between the ... see more

Pags. 19 - 30  

Didin Syarifuddin

Villa Kancil Kampoeng Soenda is a natural and artificial tourist area, which is an attraction for tourists. But in 2019, the level of visits to Villa Kancil has decreased, possibly because of the development of tourist attractions that have not been maxim... see more

Pags. 31 - 41  

Solihah Sari Rahayu,Aam Slamet Rusydiana,Mochamad AE Dunuraeni

This study tries to review the research around Islamic boarding school (Pesantren) economy on reputable journal. It uses descriptive statistical analysis based on selected 79 article publications or paper related to Islamic boarding school economy, with n... see more

Pags. 42 - 56  

May Dedu

Law No.40 of 2004 is a legal umbrella for the implementation of social security in Indonesia. The basis for managing social security including health insurance is social compulsory insurance and equity. The social insurance system, requires social securit... see more

Security |  Social |  Islam | 
Pags. 57 - 66  

Wahyu Wahyu

This research focuses on the supervision of learning which is a coaching activity planned to assist teachers and school staff in doing work effectively in order to improve the learning process. Educational supervision activities are needed by teachers, be... see more

Pags. 67 - 77  

Sofyan al-Hakim,Muhammad Hasanuddin,Heris Suhendar

The background of the article is the contents of Article 59 paragraph (3) and explanation of paragraph (1) of the Law on Judicial Power. The article authorizes the District Court to implement the decision of the Sharia arbitration body on the resolution o... see more

Pags. 78 - 86  

Nana Diana,Tati Apriani

This study aims to examine the influence of investment returns and Risk Based Capital (RBC) Tabarru Funds to the profit of sharia life insurance in Indonesia from 2014-2019. This study The type of this research is quantitative research with descriptive ve... see more

Pags. 87 - 97  

M Zainal Arifin,Muhammad Noor Sayuti,Tiara Septa Ayu,Ali Sadikin

This study aims to describe the concept of Green Banking in the review of the Qur'an through the approach of Ijmali and Maudhu's interpretation method as its analysis knife. Content analysis is carried out on the verses that are specifically chosen on the... see more

Pags. 98 - 109  

Dadang Rahman Munandar,N Fathurrohman

The development of teacher professional abilities through training is an effort to improve teacher performance by increasing their professional competence. The main objective of developing teacher professional abilities through training is to solve teache... see more

Pags. 110 - 118  

Ramadhani Irma Tripalupi,Prameshwara Anggahegari

This paper aims to describe the challenges and opportunities of syariah financial technology (fintech) in Indonesia, due to the impact of covid-19 pandemic. Three things that become the focus of writing, include: syariah fintech; the impact of covid-19 pa... see more

Pags. 119 - 128