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Volume 3 Number Vol 3, No 1: AICLL NOVEMBER 2020

12 articles in this issue 

Feny Aisyah,M. Manugeren,Purwarno Purwarno

This research focused on the types of social values reflected in Ananta Toer’s novel entitled Bumi Manusia. This novel successfully describes not only the cultural revolution in a colonized country but also an objection against the absolute supremacy of c... see more

Pags. 1 - 6  

Ratna Aprillia Risqi,Susi Ekalestari

The research focuses on the influence of parenting style on the protagonist’s behavior in Todd Phillips’ movie Joker. Arthur as the protagonist in the movie is a man who suffers from mental illness which then transforms him to be a mastermind of criminal ... see more

Pags. 14 - 22  

Feyzar Azhari

This research was aimed at seeing the protagonist's characters portrayed in the novel Paper Towns by John Green. The research applied the theory of Flat and Round Character proposed by E. M. Forster (1993). This research follows qualitative descriptive me... see more

Pags. 23 - 32  

Boiolifu Bu’ulolo

Orahu is a tradition of deliberation which is well known in the life system of the people of South Nias, especially in the areas of Maniamölö, Onolalu, To'ene and Mazinö. Orahu is carried out in every important activity in the community, for example discu... see more

Pags. 33 - 38  

Haksa Romatua Pohan,M. Manugeren,Purwarno Purwarno

Margondang belonging to the ethnic of Angkola, becomes an important part of a celebration, especially in a wedding. Traditionally Angkola Ethnic Wedding can be said to be invalid if both families, either from the groom's family or  the bride’s do not... see more

Pags. 39 - 43  

Khairun Nisyak,M. Manugeren,Purwarno Purwarno

This study aimed to investigate the cultural symbols and determine the local wisdom of Pinto Aceh descendants in Peunayong, Banda Aceh, Indonesia. In addition, the object of Pinto Aceh Motif and its local wisdom might not be forgotten and should be consid... see more

Pags. 44 - 52  

Syarifah Syarifah,M. Manugeren,Purwarno Purwarno

The research was related to figurative language but the researchers focused on simile, aimed at identifying the dominant type of simile used based on the theory put forward by Kennedy and Giola. Simile is a comparison of one thing to another which is alwa... see more

Pags. 53 - 58  

Lia Syafitri,Usman Sidabutar

This study constituted an analysis of an ideal marriage in the novel published in 2018. The significant components of the marriage relationship found in the novel that could be categorized into an ideal marriage were the topics to discuss. One of the sign... see more

Pags. 59 - 65  

Muhammad Ikhsan,Susi Ekalestari

This research analyses the causes and effects of the protagonist’s worry in Danielle Steel’s novel Family Ties,  a story of woman, Annie Ferguson, who must become a mother in her bachelorette. She always worries about the future of her sister’s child... see more

Pags. 60 - 69  

Mahlina Sariani Harahap,M. Manugeren,Purwarno Purwarno

This study aimed to find out and describe the sign of conduct disorder reflected in Crowdstroia’s novel Arkais. Conduct disorder (CD) is a mental disorder diagnosed in childhood or adolescence that presents itself through a repetitive and persistent patte... see more

Pags. 7 - 13  

Nita Novianda Tanjung,M. Manugeren,Purwarno Purwarno

This research is related to the philosophical meanings of traditional cuisine Rendang Minangkabau as a cultural heritage of Indonesia. The research is conducted by means qualitative descriptive. The theory used is taken from the philosophy. Philosophy is ... see more

Pags. 70 - 81