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Volume 11 Number 2 Year 2022

10 articles in this issue 

Khodijah Mufidah,Moh. Abdul Kholiq Hasan,Syamsul Hidayat

This writing aims to explain the concept of ‘aqidah education in the book al-Ushûl al-Tsalâtsah to national education laws. This study is library research that uses the original primary source. This writing found about the concept of ‘aqidah education in ... see more

Pags. 149 - 165  

Gunarti Sukriyatun,Endin Mujahidin

This research aims to determine current achievement motivation and innovation students in Islamic religious education students for junior high school in Bogor City. develop PBL to improve students for junior hight school Bogor City. Achievement motivation... see more

Pags. 166 - 178  

Muh Syahrul Sarea

This study aims to describe the characteristics of items and estimate the mistakes of the standard error of measurements of final semester exam questions of Islamic Education subject from two schools namely SMPN 17 Makassar and SMPN 19 Makassar. This rese... see more

Pags. 179 - 189  

Amir Faishol Fath,Dia Hidayati Usman,Maemunah Sa’diyah

The implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) in an Islamic boarding school is a necessity because of the increasing need for quality education in various fields of life. A company must be very happy if it has qualified and professional employees b... see more

Pags. 190 - 207  

Endin Mujahidin,Ade Salamun

Zakat funds that have been collected cannot be separated from the role of amil zakat. So, amil zakat has to improve their competency to collect more zakat funds. This article aims to examine the role of the amil zakat education method through On Job Train... see more

Pags. 208 - 221  

Dalmeri Dalmeri,Muhamad Parhan,Alifah Hilmiyah,Randis Dwi Nugraha Bastiar,Resa Wiyana,Shagia Balqissa,Sofi Nurani Fatima

Secularism has been around for a long time in Indonesia. The influence of secularism that entered the Islamic world began during the era of western imperialism on the Islamic world. The world of the west has a considerable impact on something on this eart... see more

Pags. 222 - 239  

Siti Saidatus Salamah,Ari Ambarwati,Moh. Badrih

This study aimed to develop children's storybooks based on the Islamic values and behavior in Islamic culture and its implementation in storytelling learning for RA level. The development of children's storybooks was carried out by inserting the local Isl... see more

Pags. 240 - 256  

Sabarudin Sabarudin,Mahmud Arif

The reference books on philosophy of Islamic education can be analyzed from two perspectives: as a culture product and as a culture producer. By the first perspective, the reference books are reflection of “dominant episteme”, whereas by the second one, t... see more

Pags. 257 - 276  

Askar Patahuddin,Budi Handrianto,Samsuddin Samsuddin

This study aims to describe the concept of monotheism education of M. Natsir and its relevance to the curriculum of the M. Natsir College of Da'wah Sciences. This research method uses qualitative research in the form of Library Research with descriptive d... see more

Pags. 277 - 292  

Hafifa Dwi Fadilla,Ardimen Ardimen,Fadhilah Syafwar,Emeliya Hardi

Intellectual intelligence and talent are no longer the dominant factors that determine a person's success in learning, but are strongly influenced by achievement motivation. While the real conditions in the field found students have low achievement motiva... see more

Pags. 293 - 304