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Volume 14 Number 1 Year 2023

5 articles in this issue 

Bunga Zahra, Firda Firlana Firda, Intan Sagita Pitriani, Fitri Alfarisa

Program Penguatan Profesional Kependidikan (P3K) diluncurkan pada Semester Genap 2022/2023 dan baru berjalan selama satu tahun oleh Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk Mengetahui Keterampilan Mengevaluasi Mahasiswa, Penelitian in... see more

Pags. 1 - 7  

Wahyu Hidayat, M. Noor Anzali, Muhammad Turmudi

This study aims to assess students' English-speaking abilities based on peer assessment. This study is a quantitative study involving 10 students. Data was collected using tests and student speaking assessment rubrics with score criteria from 1 to 5. Spea... see more

Pags. 8 - 11  

Nadya Ilma Rosyida, Sri Wisnu Nugraha, Usman Agustin, Chaerul Rochman, Ade Yeti Nuryantini

This study aims to qualitatively examine the optimization of remedial programs in differentiation learning in the Independent Curriculum based on the 2020 Education Unit Accreditation Instrument. This research is a literature study that discusses implemen... see more

Pags. 12 - 16  

Andi Forisma, Zulfatun Ni'mah, Sukiman

The purpose of this research is to investigate various techniques and instruments for assessing the realm of skills at the primary, secondary, and higher education levels, as well as their implications in learning Islamic religious education.This research... see more

Pags. 17 - 24  

Asrizal Wahdan Wilsa, Ani Rusilowati, Edy Cahyono

This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan (PLP) program for STKIP Nahdlatul Ulama Indramayu students which consists of 3 study programs namely elementary school teacher education, Indonesian language and litera... see more

Pags. 25 - 31