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Volume 6 Number 1 Year 2024

17 articles in this issue 

Junior Mukomene, Rsn Labs, Redox Solution Network, Ouaset Sarl, Congo, the Democratic Republic of the

The Riemann hypothesis remains unconfirmed or invalidated to this day, although local verifications on the calculation of its zeros have never found it faulty. Mertens reformulated the problem to make it much more accessible and surely more easily solvabl... see more

Pags. 111–117 - 0  

M Luthfi Abdurahman, Universitas Tanjungpura, Indonesia
Helmi Helmi, Universitas Tanjungpura, Indonesia
Fransiskus Fran, Universitas Tanjungpura, Indonesia

Graph coloring is the process of assigning colors to the vertices or edges of a graph. Specifically, coloring the vertices in graph coloring can be implemented in graph coloring games. This article aims to determine the game chromatic number of the jellyf... see more

Pags. 118–124 - 0  

Damtew Bewket Kitaro, Wollega University, Ethiopia
Boka Kumsa Bole, Wollega University, Ethiopia
Koya Purnachandra Rao, Wollega University, Ethiopia

Tuberculosis has remained the principal cause of mortality worldwide, and one of the major sources of concern is drug-resistant TB. The increasing emergence of extensively drug-resistant and multidrug-resistant TB has further increased the TB epidemic. In... see more

Pags. 1 - 10  

Putri Nisa Pratiwi, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
Edi Kurniadi, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
Firdaniza Firdaniza, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia

In this research, we studied quasi-Frobenius Lie algebras and filiform Lie algebras of dimensions = 5 over real field. The primary objective of this research is to classify the classification of filiform Lie algebras of dimensions = 5 into quasi-Frobenius... see more

Pags. 11 - 15  

Aulia Nabila Putri, Universitas Tanjungpura, Indonesia
Neva Satyahadewi, Universitas Tanjungpura, Indonesia
Siti Aprizkiyandari, Universitas Tanjungpura, Indonesia

Indonesia's export activities are dominated by non-oil and gas exports consisting of four sectors, namely the processing industry, agriculture, mining, and others. The government must pay attention to non-oil and gas exports for each province because expo... see more

Pags. 16 - 22  

Amimah Shabrina Putri Prasmono, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia
Mujiati Dwi Kartikasari, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia

Childfree is a condition in which a person or couple decides not to have children in marriage. Childfree became popular in Indonesia when YouTuber and influencer Gita Savitri uploaded an Instagram story about it. This brought many pros and cons among the ... see more

Pags. 29 - 38  

Dian Islamiaty Puteri, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
Gumgum Darmawan, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
Budi Nurani Ruchjana, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia

Sharia stocks are one of the investment instruments in the Islamic capital market. In the capital market, it is known that stock prices are very volatile. This makes investors need to carry out a strategy for making the right decision in investing, one of... see more

Pags. 39 - 45  

Ahmed Haroon Khaleel, University of Sumer, Iraq

In this paper, the mathematical formula of the reliability function of a special (3+1) cascade model is found, where this model can work with three active components if it is able to cope with the stresses to which it is subjected, while the cascade 3+1 m... see more

Pags. 46 - 53  

Oki Neswan, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Harry Sumartono, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

In this work, we give a more thorough and exhaustive proof of the set of all isometries in taxicab geometry using a combinatorial approach. We show that isometries preserving taxicab distance while leaving the origin fixed are uniquely determined by how t... see more

Pags. 54 - 61  

Aurillya Queency, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
Edi Kurniadi, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
Firdaniza Firdaniza, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia

In this research, we studied the affine Lie algebra aff(2,R). The aim of this research is to determine the 1-form in affine Lie algebra aff(2,R) which is associated with its symplectic structure so that affine Lie algebra aff(2,R) is a Frobenius Lie algeb... see more

Pags. 62 - 67  

Lasker Pangarapan Sinaga, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
Dinda Kartika, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
Nurul Ain Farhana, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia

This study aims to analyze the SEIQR model for the SARS-CoV-2 dynamic by considering in-out mobility. The model construction is based on the COVID-19 response strategy implemented by the Indonesian government, then analyzing the model by determining the e... see more

Pags. 68 - 75  

Rifki Mardiansah, Universitas Udayana, Indonesia
Ni Ketut Tari Tastrawati, Universitas Udayana, Indonesia
Kartika Sari, Universitas Udayana, Indonesia

Transportation problems experienced by UD. Raja Wangi in distributing Maha Dewa fragrant incense. UD. Raja Wangi incurs high transportation costs due to irregular direct distribution patterns and has not paid attention to the route to be passed. One way t... see more

Pags. 76 - 84  

Kamilia Salsabilla, IPB University, Indonesia
Toni Bakhtiar, IPB University, Indonesia
Farida Hanum, IPB University, Indonesia

Electric vehicles are emerging as a key trend in sustainable mobility, mitigating emissions, and reducing dependence on fossil fuels. The challenge in optimizing route modeling lies in some limitations, such as battery range, charging time, and the divers... see more

Pags. 85 - 91  

Saffanah Nur Elvina Mulyawati, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia
Mujiati Dwi Kartikasari, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia

The agricultural sector remains a crucial pillar of Indonesia’s economy, making the most significant contribution. Still, the situation of farmers, primarily the elderly, indicates physical limitations and low income leading to high poverty levels, couple... see more

Pags. 92 - 101  

Aisyiah Kholifatul Hanifah, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
Abadi Abadi, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia

Several species in the world have experienced extinction. To save species from extinction, a system needs to be formulated, one of which is protecting prey. Changes in physical and biological processes also have a role in the environment, namely resulting... see more

Pags. 102 - 110  

Sri Gemawati, Universitas Riau, Indonesia
Musraini Musraini, Universitas Riau, Indonesia
Mirfaturiqa Mirfaturiqa, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Pekanbaru, Indonesia

This article discusses the relationship between the k-Tribonacci matrix Tn(k) and the Pascal matrix Pn, by first constructing the k-Tribonacci matrix and then looking for its inverse. From the inverse k-Tribonacci matrix, unique characteristics can be con... see more

Pags. 125 - 130