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Volume 6 Number 1 Year 2022

4 articles in this issue 

Yayuk Nurjanah, Eka Puji Anggraeni, Jonathan Van Melle

The Covid-19 pandemic that has hit the world since the end of 2019 has changed many settings in all fields, oneof which is the field of education and teaching. Changes in the way the teaching and learning process waspreviously dominated by face-to-face cl... see more


Adlina Safitri Helmi, Haswan Haswan

Tracer study implementation primarily aids institutions in their transformation into state universities capable of producing graduates who are adaptable to industrial needs. Universities can use the results of an accurate and structured tracer research as... see more

Pags. 21 - 30  

Febry Lodwyk Rihe Riwoe, Ade Yusdira, Muslih Faridi Saripudin

IBI Kesatuan adalah perguruan tinggi swasta di wilayah LLDIKTI IV dengan akreditasi institusi B. Pada semester ganjil 2021/2022 jumlah mahasiswa mencapai 4480 mahasiswa, yang terdiri dari tiga Fakultas, yang dalam operasional kegiatan belajar mengajar den... see more

Pags. 45 - 54