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Volume 17 Number 1 Year 2019

11 articles in this issue 


Kulit Muka, Pengantar Redaksi, Daftar Isi, Indeks Judul dan Kulit Belakang

Pags. i - xii  

muhamad shoheh,Muhammad Shofin Sugito

This brief paper discusses one of the classical literary texts of Islamic Nusantara entitled Kitab Seribu Masalah (the book of a thousand problems). This study uses a philological and textual approach to reveal the relationship and linkage betwe... see more

Pags. 1 - 30  

Aditia Gunawan

This article will discuss the work of a scholar who has never been mentioned in Islamic literature in West Java. He is Kiai Muhyidin (1903-1980) from Limbangan, Garut. His work is called Nazmul Hujah, or commonly referred to among santri as Nado... see more

Pags. 31 - 58  

Wildani Hefni,Rizqa Ahmadi

This study attempts to elucidate the emergence of forms of Islamic spirituality in Indonesian Islam identified as the Jaljalut community of Salawatan. This group has proliferated on Java in the last two decades both in urban and rural areas. This group al... see more

Pags. 59 - 76  

Desti Widiani,Jiyanto Jiyanto

The story of Prince Samudro's tomb invites pros and cons. This arises because of the negative paradigm that developed in the community that there is trust if the wish is granted, then the visitors to Prince Samudro's grave must perform a ritual of having ... see more

Pags. 77 - 98  

Ela Hikmah Hayati,Rasikin Rasikin

This study discusses one of the dance arts in Pandeglang Banten, namely the Dhikr Saman dance. This dance is one culture that is able to carry Islamic values. The emergence of the Dhikr Saman dance culture is from a tarekat called Samaniyah brought by She... see more

Pags. 99 - 112  

Syofyan Hadi,Yufni Faisol,Wartiman Wartiman

This study is an extension research of previous research finding conducted by researcher and team, which resulted in more than 50 names of mosques and musalas in Padang were considered error. These forms of error exist in terms of morphological, semantic,... see more

Pags. 113 - 138  

Pepen Irpan Fauzan,Ahmad Khoirul Fata

Pesantren as subcultures are indeed interesting to be studied. Several studies have been carried out such as Zamakhsary Dhofier on the network of pesantren in Java and Martin van Bruinessen on the pesantren and tarekat. Continuing it, Ading Kusdiana throu... see more

Pags. 139 - 168  

Afry Adi Chandra,Herman J Waluyo,Nugraheni Eko Wardani

This article describes the educational value of the religious character in the novel of Sawitri and the Seven Birth Trees (Sawitri dan Tujuh Pohon Kelahiran) by Mashdar Zainal based on the perspective of the Islam Nusantara tradition. The existence of the... see more

Pags. 169 - 196  

Asep Shodiqin

KH Ahmad Sanusi adalah sosok yang memiliki karakter pemikiran yang unik. Dalam beberapa hal ia memiliki pemikiran yang berbeda dalam memandang praktek keagamaan, khususnya dalam koteks hegemoni pemikiran modernis maupun tradisionalis. Keterlibatan KH Ahma... see more

Pags. 197 - 216  

Mohamad Ali

This research tries to find sufism thought by early modernist muslim from Surakarta, Kiai Moechtar Boechari (1899-1926), by tracing his religious view and Sufism thought. He was a santri and friend of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan (1868-1923) who pioneered in establi... see more

Pags. 217 - 240