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Volume 18 Number 2 Year 2051

8 articles in this issue 

Hakima Hafidi, Siham Omara (Author)

This paper is concerned with examining Imam Al-Tirmidhi’s action in accepting and refuting the narrations, in addition to weighting the differences by relying on the strengthening evidence of one aspect over the other; and other things that we mentioned i... see more

Pags. 181 - 208  

Sa'dullah Sa'dullah (Author)

The Polemic of the Validity of Intra-Qur'an and Extra-Qur'an Texts. Islamic Education Department, Faculty of Social Sciences, Jakarta State University. Two texts are polemic in this discussion, namely intra-Qur'anic texts (deletion between verses) and ext... see more

Pags. 209 - 235  

Mahbub Ghozali (Author)

The complexity of the concept wa?dah al-wujud in Ibn ‘Arabi understanding used in interpretation impacts the ignoring of his interpretation results leading to the essence of servitude and purification of God. The purpose of this study is the for... see more

Pags. 237 - 256  

Serli R., Abdul Mutakabbir, Ependi P. (Author)

Tik Tok is a new platform that young people love, and kids are no exception. This platform encompasses all levels of society, including adults and even the elderly. TikTok has both positive and negative sides like any other medium. Therefore, this study a... see more

Pags. 257 - 282  

Eko Zulfikar, Aftonur Rosyad, Nur Afiyah (Author)

This paper explores women's genitalia as far as QS sees it. al-Ahzab [33] verse 59. The specific explanation is related to the use of the veil, which is widespread in the Indonesian context. This study uses a thematic analysis method of the verses of the ... see more

Pags. 283 - 298  

Angga Mustaka J.P. (Author)

The background of this article departs from the high popularity of Surat al-Mulk. The study of most vital directive speech acts in this study, namely commanding verses and what are the directive speech acts of commands to the verses contained in Surah al-... see more

Pags. 299 - 312