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Volume 9 Number 1 Year 2047

10 articles in this issue 

Chusnul Muali, Putri Naily Rohmatika

In the current reform era, character education has experienced a decline marked by increasing juvenile delinquency, corruption and moral deviations carried out by students and intellect  to show character education has been eroded gradually. The ... see more

Pags. 1031 - 1052  

Maimun Maimun

The Islamic religious education is always in the spotlight as the education system in Indonesia. It is couse of its strategic position in growing the emotional and spiritual maturity of students. Many facts,where the content of this matery is evaluated, s... see more

Pags. 1053 - 1064  

Zainuddin Syarif

The results of this study reveal the meaning of the role of Ansor Anti-Narcotics Agency (BANAAR) behind the phenomenon of drug trafficking in the middle of many pesantren, especially in East Java Pamekasan Regency, where this area is in the midst of socie... see more

Pags. 1065 - 1085  

Ellya Rakhmawati, M. Amin Abdullah, Tri Suyati.

In M. Talbi’s view, we see a more practical dimension than in Arkoun’s view, and so on. M. Talbi describes dialogue as one of the most important parts for humanity to be religious and humane, to be fully committed to the will of God. Christians and Muslim... see more

Pags. 1086 - 1102  

Fauzan Fauzan

Islam is a perfect religion that governs all of aspects of human life. Religion should be the key of  all human life problems , because following to the concept of religion will be the solution to all of the problems. The role of religion is very dom... see more

Pags. 1103 - 1121  

M. Miftah Alfiani, Samiha Suweleh, Lilis Kholifatul Jannah, Choirul Mahfud

The process of entering Islam in Indonesia and to do with the development of Islamic education in the days before the arrival of Islam. The role of the muballigh and trader from Saudi who make trade relations with the Indonesian people really help the pro... see more

Pags. 1122 - 1136  

Zainullah Zainullah, Ach Sayyi

The Indonesian nation is composed of a number of cultural, ethnic, racial, and religious groups, so that the Indonesian nation can be grouped or categorized as a diverse (multicultural) society. One of indicator is the diversity of ethnic, culture, and re... see more

Pags. 1137 - 1159  

Zulkifli Syauqi Thontowi, Muhammad Qowim, Achmad Dardiri

Inequality in employee performance lie is background this paper. The implementation of the five work culture values ??of the Office of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) ilat Banyumas Regency shows the enthusiasm of work that must exist to support good pe... see more

Pags. 1160 - 1178  

Ali Ridho

The Research of An International event Pekan Ngaji and the Increasing of  Learning Motivation of Students in Class 10- of MA C Senior High school of Mambaul Ulum Bata-Bata was conducted to find out the role of the Pekan Ngaji which became the annual ... see more

Pags. 1179 - 1193  

Imaniyatul Fithriyah

Era of industrial revolution 4.0 or the fourth generation has an impact on the world of education including in islamic boarding school both positive and negative, this can easily be obtained and accessed by individuals without knowing the original of the ... see more

Pags. 1194 - 1215