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Number Vol 114 Nr 3 (2015)Bulletin KNOB 114 (2015) 3 Hist Year 2015

8 articles in this issue 

Gabri van Tussenbroek

Met dit themanummer van het Bulletin knob wordt een aanzet gegeven om hout in historische gebouwen te beschouwen in relatie tot de internationale bouwmaterialenhandel, met het doel het onderzoek naar houtconstructies een nieuwe impuls te geven door deze b... see more

Pags. 129 - 131  

Karl-Uwe Heussnner

Amsterdam experienced the greatest upturn in its economic fortunes in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. This went hand in hand with brisk building activity throughout the city. As part of studies into construction history, 679 samples of wood were ... see more

Pags. 132 - 143  

Bernd Adam

Not long after the Brandenburg timber port relocated from Hamburg to Harburg in 1661, there developed a brisk trade with the Dutch market, which really took off after 1664, when the first Dutch timber merchant set up business there. Whereas Harburg had in... see more

Pags. 144 - 157  

Kristof Haneca

In Flanders, large-scale exploitation of the landscape was initiated in the tenth century by abbeys and by powerful landowners like the Count of Flanders. As a consequence, a lot of forested areas were converted into arable land and the remaining forest a... see more

Pags. 158 - 169  

Gabri van Tussenbroek

Wainscoting was just one of the many products for sale on the Dutch timber market. A variety of sources would suggest that this was not primarily a case of thin, quartersawn oak planks around one centimetre thick, but much thicker, quarter-split, semi-fin... see more

Pags. 170 - 185  

Dirk Jan de Vries

Long before the large-scale import of Scandinavian softwoods in the seventeenth century, deal floorboards and softwood rafters had already made their appearance before1500 and continued to appear sporadically throughout the sixteenth century, especially i... see more

Pags. 186 - 202  

Marieke Kuipers

Bespreking van een boek geschreven door Michiel Kruienier en Paul Smeets

Pags. 203 - 204  

Gabri van Tussenbroek

Bespreking van een boek geschreven door René de Kam, Frans Kipp en Daan Claessen

Pags. 206 - 208