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ISSN: 0128-4878    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 24 Number 1 Year 2016

16 articles in this issue 

Salim Kerboua

The concept of Orientalism has been widely dealt with in the humanities and social sciences. It helps explain a peculiar construction of the Arab-Muslim world. Orientalism has operated in various historical paradigms but has always emphasised specific Wes... see more


Joseph Jon Kaminski

This article evaluates Max Weber’s overall analysis of Islam. Despite his efforts to be objective, Weber’s analysis was entrenched within a similar Orientalist discursive framework present among other Western scholars who studied non-Western traditions du... see more


Anke Iman Bouzenita, Aisha Wood Boulanouar

Abraham Maslow’s model of the hierarchy of needs is pervasive in many academic specialisations. After a short description of the model, this article summarises the existing criticisms. While criticism on the empirical validity of the model and its ethno-c... see more


Akram Abdul Cader

Optimal motivation (al-himmah al-‘aliyyah) is an important concept in Islamic psychology. Current Islamic models predominantly focus on integration with Western theories. This study proposes a synthesised model of Islamic motivation through an interpretiv... see more


Mohd Mahyudi

This study sheds light on the philosophical underpinnings of Islamic economics, especially its version of a social and moral economic system. The prospect of value-laden economics, the gap between the theory and practice of the Islamic economic system, an... see more


Laily Dwi Arsyianti, Salina Kassim

How can a person in financial difficulty solve his problems? Islam gives the paradoxical solution of giving charity: the more you give, the more you get. Low-income earners should be encouraged to give charity as a means to free themselves from financial ... see more


Abu-Bakr Imam Ali-Agan

Shaykh Kishk’s pulpit sermons dominated the political scene in Egypt and beyond. For 20 years (1961–1981) when he held sway at the ‘Ayn al-?ayat Mosque in Cairo as the Imam, Kishk’s fearless sermons were a reference point to his admirers and the less priv... see more


Muhammad Yaseen Gada

This review discusses the changing perceptions and resurgent voices towards the peaceful solution of the Israel-Palestine conflict. The review draws on studies, presented in five recent books, conducted by specialists in the area of (Israel-Palestine) Con... see more