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Volume .6 Number n1 Year 2014

10 articles in this issue 

Paola Pucci

This paper focuses on the potentialities offered by mobile phone data to a reading of the site practices and rhythms of usage of the contemporary city by identifying the principal mobile practices of different urban populations.Beginning with the results ... see more

Pags. 17 - 30  

Nancy Odendaal

The ubiquitous presence of mobile telephony and proliferation of digital networks imply a critical role for these technologies in overcoming the constraints of space in fragmented cities. Academic literature draws from a range of disciplines but fails to ... see more

Pags. 31 - 45  

Dominique Boullier,Maxime Crépel

The Vélib bike rental system is worth analyzing in order to understand how cities move out of a model of large infrastructures towards a personal service principle connected to digital traceability and mapping of all activities. The new offer of bikes dis... see more

Pags. 47 - 56  

Darren J. Reed,Mark R. Johnson

The following paper is concerned with elucidating an account of forms of new localism as they relate to the concept of ‘habitele’, a conceptual framework that helps us understand new forms of relatedness in the digitally mediated world. In doing this it w... see more

Pags. 57 - 72  

Polise Moreira De Marchi

The fundamental function of maps has always been to understand, interpret, and represent the world. Therefore, maps have a communication role, as a language. As communication tool, maps spatialize the interaction of social, economic and cultural urban rea... see more

Pags. 73 - 85  

Madianita Nunes da Silva

O artigo baseia-se nos resultados da pesquisa desenvolvida para a tese de doutorado e tem como objetivo caracterizar e analisar o processo de produção dos espaços informais de moradia na metrópole de Curitiba, entre as décadas de 1990 e 2000. A partir de ... see more

Pags. 89 - 108  

Clarissa Figueiredo Sampaio Freitas

As cidades brasileiras apresentam contrastes no que se refere ao modo de apropriação dos espaços ambientalmente frágeis. Se por um lado, determinados ecossistemas são preservados pelo Estado e apropriados pela iniciativa privada por meio da valorização im... see more

Pags. 109 - 125  

Sandra Maria Fonseca da Costa,Je´ssica Andretta Mendes,Viviana Mendes Lima,Bruno Henrique Colombari Moreira

A ilegalidade em relação à propriedade da terra tem sido um dos principais elementos da segregação socioespacial, no campo ou na cidade. A informalidade urbana no Brasil tem raízes históricas, principalmente associadas ao acesso a terra. De acordo com inf... see more

Pags. 127 - 139