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ISSN: 2071-0771    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 46 Number 2 Year 2003

9 articles in this issue 

R. Kyle

AbstractA lot of work has been carried out on the Gaboon adder (Bitis gabonica) in KwaZulu/Natal (see Botbijl 1994a, 1994b), but the status of the snake has remained unclear.


C.M. Shackleton,G. Guthrie,J. Keirungi,J. Stewart

AbstractConcern has been voiced about the possible over-use of fuelwood from the riparian fringe by pastoralist herders in the Richtersveld National Park (RNP). This coincided with the current examination and modelling of the supply and use of ecosystem g... see more


J. de Klerk,L.R. Brown,H. Bezuidenhout

AbstractThe long-term conservation of viable ecosystems requires a broader understanding of the ecological processes involved. Because ecosystems react differently to different management practices, it is important to have a description and classification... see more


L.C. Foxcroft,L. Henderson,G.R. Nichols,B.W. Martin

AbstractAlien plants recorded in the Kruger National Park are listed, providing an update of species that have been recorded since the last published list in 1988. The serious consequences that invasive alien plants pose are widely recognised internationa... see more


A.R. Götze,S.S. Cilliers,H. Bezuidenhout,K. Kellner

AbstractThe establishment of the Vhembe-Dongola National Park has been an objective of several conservationists for many years. The ultimate objective is that this park would become a major component of a transfrontier park shared by Botswana, Zimbabwe an... see more


R.F. Terblanche,H. van Hamburg

AbstractThe relevance and integration of scientific knowledge to conservation management of the locally popular and highly endemic butterfly genus Chrysoritis are investigated within the research fields of taxonomy and biogeography. The butterfly genus Ch... see more


G. Matipano

AbstractDifferences in woody browse selection between hand-raised (and subsequently released), boma-adapted and wild black rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis, L. were studied in Matusadona National Park between December 1999 and July 2000. Boma-adapted rhinocer... see more


B.K. Reilly,Y. Reillly

AbstractReilly B.K. and Y. Reilly. 2003. Auditing wildlife. Koedoe 46(2): 97–102. Pretoria. ISSN 0075-6458. Accountants and auditors are increasingly confronted with the problem of auditing wildlife populations on game ranches as their clients' asset bas... see more


P. van der Merwe,M. Saayman

AbstractInternationally tourism is accepted as one of the world's fastest-growing industries. The World Tourism Organisation (WTO) indicated that tourist arrivals in 1998 grew by 2.4 % worldwide. The WTO has forecast that the number of people travelling i... see more