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ISSN: 2089-1490    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 13 Number 2 Year 2023

8 articles in this issue 

Lukis Alam,Benni Setiawan,Shubhi Mahmashony Harimurti,Miftahulhaq Miftahulhaq,Meredian Alam

The prevalence of urban spiritualism is on the rise among residents of major cities.One observable manifestation of urban spiritualism is the growing number ofdiverse social recitation gatherings. The present research looks into four distinctprofiles of a... see more

Pags. 227 - 252  

Muhammad Hilali Basya,Hamka Hamka

Although there have been many studies investigating Islamist movements andtheir views concerning the relationship between Islam and politics, very rarestudies examining the ways particular ethnicity-based Islamist group invent andrevitalize their cultural... see more

Pags. 253 - 277  

Roni Tabroni,Idham Idham

The contemporary Salafist movement in Indonesia began to develop in the1970s. In its development, the Salafist movement later gave rise to variousfactions. One of the results of the dynamic and contestation of these variousfactions was the emergence of re... see more

Pags. 279 - 306  

Bhirawa Anoraga

This study examines the involvement of Indonesian youth and Muslimphilanthropy NGOs in the promotion of inter-faith harmony throughcrowdfunding. Crowdfunding or online fundraising has been rapidly growing inIndonesia. It has been used to respond to variou... see more

Pags. 307 - 337  

Imam Sukardi

This article aims to explore the contemporary Islamic state establishment movement in Indonesia namely Khilafatul Muslimin. Even though the Islamic state is strictly forbidden in Indonesia by the national constitution, such movements have been endless for... see more

Pags. 339 - 367  

Rika Astari,Djamaluddin Perawironegoro,Muhammad Irfan Faturrahman,Hanif Cahyo Adi Kistoro

Fun Polygamy Chanel is one of the media used by Ustad Awan (UA) to socializethe call for polygamy. The language used on this polygamous YouTube usessensational language. This research aims to map the form of reception, the factorsbehind it, and its impact... see more

Pags. 369 - 397  

Ali Maksum,Hasse Jubba,Irwan Abdullah,Esa Nur Wahyuni,Abdul Rachman Sopyan

This research aims to understand how identity redefinition occurs and whatcultural variables result in identity redefinition. The Indonesian governmenthas disbanded several mass organizations throughout the years. To ensure itssurvival, the group hid amon... see more

Pags. 399 - 426  

Muhamad Rofiq Muzakkir,Siti Sarah Muwahidah,Royan Utsany,Rohmansyah Rohmansyah

The ongoing debate surrounding the hadiths on Aisha’s age of marriage has givenrise to two main positions among Muslim scholars, namely: the rejectors, thosewho reject the hadiths’ validity and propose the view that Aisha got married atan older age, and t... see more

Pags. 427 - 456