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Volume 12 Number 1 Year 2022

16 articles in this issue 

Dwi Susanto,Suli Suswana,Lilis Irmawatie,Dick Dick Maulana

The impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic was really experienced by the community and farmers in Margaasih Village, Cicalengka District, Bandung Regency. Efforts are needed to mitigate these negative impacts, especially in terms of the economic and healt... see more

Pags. 1 - 8  

Suryani Dewi,Ikawati Karim,Dian Utami Zainuddin,Andi Werawe Angka

The vegetable crop cultivation in Polewali Mandar Regency has a great opportunity due to the high market demand for vegetable products. Environmental issues are a global concern for the competitiveness of agricultural products. The quality of organic agri... see more

Pags. 9 - 15  

Yuni Ertinawati,Selly Purnama,Shinta Rosiana,Ida Wahidah

The potential of agricultural resources is one of the great potentials possessed by Tasikmalaya Regency, especially Sariwangi District. Management of yard land by utilizing the role of women can be a solution in optimizing yard land to increase food yield... see more

Pags. 16 - 20  

Aprilla Adawiyah,Irma Halimatun Sadiyah,Dinar Nursyifa,Ayu Sri Widanings

This article aims to describe the results of the implementation of services regarding digital literacy through virtual reality in teaching vocabulary at SDN Sindanglaka Cipanas. Virtual reality or virtual reality is a tool that can be used to assist learn... see more

Pags. 21 - 26  

Rahmi Rismayani Deri,Siti Nur,Yenni Fatman,Eka Amelia

Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Dampit Village are well-established with qualified business management knowledge. Business management training in Dampit Village aims to increase MSMEs' productivity, quality, and development. Training on hu... see more

Pags. 27 - 31  

Roni Priyanda,Nishbah Fadhelina

This community service was carried out in October 2020 at SMP Negeri 5 Langsa, as a form of dedication by the service team in answering problems that often arise in distance learning, especially in the city of Langsa, the selection of SMP Negeri 5 Langsa ... see more

Pags. 32 - 35  

Suci Tuty Putri,Septian Andriyani,Tirta Adikusuma,Sri Sumartini,Sehabudin Salasa

The development of the COVID-19 pandemic is still increasing in the community. With the large population in Indonesia, especially the city of Bandung, the treatment of COVID-19 patients is not only carried out at health service centers but also in the com... see more

Pags. 36 - 42  

Veronica Ima Pujiastuti,Dita Hanna Febriani

Posyandu cadres in Padukuhan Tiyasan Condongcatur are part of increasing the success of stunting reduction in Sleman Regency. The cadre problems are limited knowledge about stunting and nutritious food sources for toddlers and the lack of cadre skills in ... see more

Pags. 43 - 51  

Irvan Subandar,Muhammad Jalil,Maulidil Fajri,Aboe B Saidi

The low nutritional intake of the community is one of the factors causing stunting in infants and toddlers. Kampong Tanah Bara is one of the villages in the Gunung Meriah sub-district that has the highest stunting rate. In an effort to meet the nutritiona... see more

Pags. 52 - 58  

Dita Hanna Febriani,Veronica Ima Pujiastuti,Ana Setiyorini

Empowerment of cadres in utilizing local resources to reduce blood sugar levels of residents with type 2 diabetes mellitus is one of the important things in controlling type 2 diabetes mellitus. The purpose of this community service is to empower cadres i... see more

Pags. 59 - 63  

Nurul Renaningtias,Ferzha Putra Utama,Julia Purnama Sari

Currently, all elements of society are aware of the Covid-19 virus. One aspect that is significantly affected is education. The online learning method has been done to prevent the spread of the virus in schools during the pandemic era. The implementation ... see more

Pags. 64 - 67  

Fenny Febrianty,Soni Mulyawan Setiana,Anisa Arianingsih,Mohammad Ali,Rani Puspita Dhaniawaty

Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan pemanfaatan multimedia pembelajaran bahasa Jepang kepada pengajar bahasa Jepang tingkat SMA/SMK yang terhimpun dalam Himpunan Pengajar Bahasa Jepang Wilayah Ciayumajakuni... see more

Pags. 68 - 72  

Stella Talitha

Media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi mengembangkan dan meningkatkan kapabilitas guru untuk memenuhi berbagai peran dan tanggung jawabnya yang berhubungan dengan menjadi seorang pendidik. Media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi tersebut sebaiknya memberikan... see more

Pags. 73 - 77  

A. Hasrawati,Iskandar Zulkarnain,Aztriana Aztriana

Maintaining hand hygiene is one of the most important steps to minimize the spread of disease from viruses and bacteria. But in reality there are still many people who are lazy to do it. In fact, the hands are one of the entrances for germs to enter the b... see more

Pags. 78 - 81  

Rina Andriani,Ibrahim Danuwikarsa,Emas Marlina

The purpose of this program is as a first step to write scientific papers for lecturers at Bale University, Bandung, as one of the real actions of the national mental revolution movement which was carried out in collaboration with the Coordinating Ministr... see more

Pags. 82 - 86  

Richa Meliza,Teuku Kemal Fasya,Kamaruddin Kamaruddin,Muchlis Muchlis,Dedi Fariadi,Jufridar Jufridar,Rian Aryago Hasibuan,Khadijah Khadijah

Pengabdian ini merupakan program yang dijalankan secara holistik, komprehensif dan integral dengan melibatkan mitra utama gampong sasaran bersama akademisi. Tujuan utama pengabdian ini adalah penguatan usaha kecil yang telah dijalankan masyarakat Gampong ... see more

Pags. 87 - 91