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Volume 1 Number 4 Year 2015

12 articles in this issue 

Desi Cahya Rachmawati,Pramono M.Or

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research are to describe: (1) the ability of the student before given intervention using concept sentence learning model (2) the ability of the student after given intervention using concept sentence learning model (3) the ef... see more

Pags. 269 - 275  

Dian Dwiyanti Zahroh,Mohammad Efendi,Endro Wahyuno

Abstract : A hearing impairment  is someone suffering limitation of hearing. The limitation make student with hearing impairment have some problem with comunication. Limitation of comunication make students with heraing impairment need instuctional&n... see more

Pags. 276 - 281  

Irfan Adi Candra,Abdul Huda

Abstract:The aim of this research is to describe a learning using flanel flipchart media to improve learning outcomes recognizing numbers 1 to 10 and to describe learning outcomes after using the flanel flipchart media for students with intellectual disab... see more

Pags. 282 - 288  

Ovi Gumelar Setyawan

ABSTRACT: A hearing impairment student is someone who has hearing barriers as the result she has the minimum of vocabulary.The purposes of this research areto describe the mastery vocabulary student with hearing impairment grade IV before and after interv... see more

Pags. 289 - 295  

Septina Tria Pratiwi

ABSTRACT: In the process of learning mathematics in grade III of SDNLB obtained information that the mental retardation learners have difficulty to understand the concept of the sum of numbers up to 20. The teacher was dominated the learning process also ... see more

Pags. 296 - 301  

Devina Rahmadiani Kamaruddin Nur,Sulthoni .

Abstract :The subject in this research have problem of reduction numeracyso she need Contextual Teaching and Learning. The purpose of this research is to describe the process of implementation and the influence of Contextual Teaching and Learning toward R... see more

Pags. 302 - 307  

Neny Dwi Irawati,Henry Prehardhiono

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to analyze effect of Cooperative Learning Skills to the Vocational in Garnishing Food. To find out the result of research,with the 5% mark test formula for testing one side (1.64) and two sides (1.96) shows that the... see more

Pags. 308 - 312  

Nova Hamdaniyati

ABSTRACT: The children with Hearing Impairment have many obstacles in their hearing system. The purposes of the research and development is to produce equipment’s set game of flannel board. The procedures of development flannel board’s game is adapted res... see more

Pags. 313 - 316  

Ria Sekarani,Wiwik Dwi Hastuti

ABSTRACT: Aims of this research are to describe: (1) capability of summation calculating operation for student with intellectual disability in the Grade IV of SDLB in baseline condition without using Cuisenaire batang media, (2) capability of summation ca... see more

Pags. 317 - 324  

Adam Yahya,Agung Kurniawan,Ahmad Samawi

Abstrac: One sensory problems would resulting ross motor student. Barriersaims to develop gross motor skills of children withaut is musing sensory therapy integration with activities such as walking on garis. The purposes this study was to determine the e... see more

Pags. 325 - 329  

Agung Wijaya,Tomas Irianto

ABSTRACT: The result of mathematics learning recognizing numbers for students with intellectual disabilities in the class II was relatively low. The purposes of this researches are to describe: (1) the process of utilization the doremi card media, (2) the... see more

Pags. 330 - 335  

Charis Fauzy

Abstract: This study used a qualitative research design of classroom action research (PTK). Pratindakan research results obtained by value – average class learning completeness reached 60 with 28.57%, the first cycle result value – average classroom reach... see more

Pags. 336 - 342