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ISSN: 1693-6019    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 11 Number 2 Year 2017

10 articles in this issue 

Etik Kurniawati

Pentingnya suatu pendidikantermasuk di dalamnya adalah pendidikan akhlak bagi seluruh warga negara. Tidak terkecuali bagi anak tunagrahita yang memiliki kekurangan atau keterbatasan dalam hal mental. Kekurangan atau keterbatasan tersebut tidak menjadi sua... see more


Muhammad Miftah

This paper discusses how the active role of MTs Miftahul Ulum in maintaining the local culture through structural students’ management. Students’ management is one of important aspects in educational institutions. It is because base on this, institution c... see more


sri dahlia

This paper emphasizes discussion on two traditions of Abrahamic religion, Islam and Christian who have more or less the same doctrine. Among these doctrinal similarities are the attributes of God. Various schools in Islamic theology differ on the existenc... see more


Mualimul Huda

Teachers have a great responsibility towards the continuity of the learning process in school. Be aware or not, in addition to the tools and all things related to the teaching and success of educational goals, it turns out the personality of teachers is a... see more


Asri Karolina

REKONSTRUKSI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM BERBASIS PEMBENTUKAN KARAKTER: DARI KONSEP MENUJU INTERNALISASI NILAI-NILAI AL-QURANAbstractThis paper examined the reconstruction of Islamic education which is still facing various problems. Educational outcomes also st... see more


nur aris

This study aims to understand the structure of logical system in the Hanbali School and trace the existence of the ideas of legal positivism in it. This study focusedon the Hanbali School of Jurisprudence, since it is often referred to as the textual-incl... see more


eka yanuarti

The progress in education side today, cannot be separated from the role of figures as the main actor. The figure who has a major contribution to the development of education in Indonesia and become a Father of National Education that is KI. Hajar Dewantar... see more


ulfah rahmawati

Pesantren is one of the religious education institutions that have gained trust from the people of Indonesia. The position of pesantren as an educational institution, also received government recognition, as mentioned in article 1 verse 4 of PP No.55 of 2... see more


Aat Hidayat

Psychology and human personality: qur’anic and islamic education perspective. One of the goals of Islamic education is to maintain and shape the human personality so that he becomes a plenary man who can maximize his role and duties as a servant devoted t... see more


chamim tohari

This research focused to the study about Hukuki Aile Kararmnamesi (HAK) in the historical aspect which is specialized to answer several main problems about background, characteristic of the fiqh thought, implementation as a legal constitution in Turkey, t... see more

Pags. 237 - 262