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Volume 7 Number 1Suppl Year 2019

24 articles in this issue 

Salvatore Settineri,Fabio Frisone,Emanuele Maria Merlo

The idea of bringing together contributions from different disciplines stems from the fact that many of the failures of psychotherapy arise from the lack of comprehension about unknown points of view, from inhomogeneous readings, from unavailability to ch... see more


Gioacchino Francesco La Torre

The discovery of a large number of theatrical masks in the funerary equipment of the tombs of the 4th-3rd century BC, in the urban necropolis of Diana in Lipari, carried out by Luigi Bernabò Brea and Madelaine Cavalier during the intensive excav... see more


Gilles Bourlot

The notion of scopic drive is essential in psychoanalysis. However, the powers of the gaze are an ancient theme already present in Greek mythology. The article makes connections between ancient mythology, psychoanalytic concepts and clinical issues. What ... see more


Pietro Perconti,Gesualdo La Porta

In this paper it will be investigated the distinction – supported by experimental data – of two different degrees within the so-called face perception: 1) The automatic perception/detection of faces; 2) The recognition of a specific face, that concerns pe... see more


Salvatore Settineri,Murray Stein

The following are reflections of a clinical psychologist and a psychotherapist; first of all it’s important to remember that the task of the disciplinary sector is to find applications of the clinical report, hence the gaps, that other scholars will ... see more


Maria Clara Martinelli,Rosario Vilardo

The Aeolian Archaeological Museum "Luigi Bernabò Brea" is located on the Rock of Lipari, surrounded by inaccessible high vertical crags. This place (fig. 1) represented a natural fortress and offered a safe place for the inhabitants since prehis... see more


Paola Manfredi,Elena Massardi

From some elements of the mask in the ancient Greek theatre which are expressed in the current civilization and psychic economy, it is possible to identify positive some psychological functions that can be performed by the mask, especially the self-protec... see more


Emanuele Maria Merlo

As suggested by the title, this dissertation is based on the term "object" as a bridge between the experience of phobia and the use of the mask. The choice of the phobia as a theme, is part of our project with adolescents, which highlighted the massive pr... see more


Fabio Frisone

One of the pitfalls in the psychotherapeutic field can be traced when working on the patient's complexes. In order to highlight the implications offered by the function of the mask, capable even of being revealed as a true epiphenomenon of the complexes i... see more


Giovanni Pennisi

The aim of this paper is to frame schizophrenia as a paradigm for the identification of the bodily roots of self. In order to do that, we will deepen the knowledge of a central figure of twentieth-century theatre: the schizophrenic playwright, actor and p... see more


Monica Pellerone,Tiziana Ramaci,Rasoul Heshmati

Recent literature underlines that, during adolescence, social networks are used to manage friendships. The reflection on the relational dynamics in social networks is based on the construction and shaping identity; online identity becomes not only persona... see more


Marinella Calabrese

The present article deals with the relation between the concept of mask and some dynamics of fiction and revelation related to it. Each person, in the sense of individual, wears more masks, according to the roles and contexts of the society in which they ... see more


Salvatore Settineri,Fabio Frisone,Emanuele Maria Merlo

The idea of bringing together contributions from different disciplines stems from the fact that many of the failures of psychotherapy arise from the lack of comprehension about unknown points of view, from inhomogeneous readings, from unavailability to ch... see more


Gioacchino Francesco La Torre

The discovery of a large number of theatrical masks in the funerary equipment of the tombs of the 4th-3rd century BC, in the urban necropolis of Diana in Lipari, carried out by Luigi Bernabò Brea and Madelaine Cavalier during the intensive excav... see more


Gilles Bourlot

The notion of scopic drive is essential in psychoanalysis. However, the powers of the gaze are an ancient theme already present in Greek mythology. The article makes connections between ancient mythology, psychoanalytic concepts and clinical issues. What ... see more


Pietro Perconti,Gesualdo La Porta

In this paper it will be investigated the distinction – supported by experimental data – of two different degrees within the so-called face perception: 1) The automatic perception/detection of faces; 2) The recognition of a specific face, that concerns pe... see more


Salvatore Settineri,Murray Stein

The following are reflections of a clinical psychologist and a psychotherapist; first of all it’s important to remember that the task of the disciplinary sector is to find applications of the clinical report, hence the gaps, that other scholars will ... see more


Maria Clara Martinelli,Rosario Vilardo

The Aeolian Archaeological Museum "Luigi Bernabò Brea" is located on the Rock of Lipari, surrounded by inaccessible high vertical crags. This place (fig. 1) represented a natural fortress and offered a safe place for the inhabitants since prehis... see more


Paola Manfredi,Elena Massardi

From some elements of the mask in the ancient Greek theatre which are expressed in the current civilization and psychic economy, it is possible to identify positive some psychological functions that can be performed by the mask, especially the self-protec... see more


Emanuele Maria Merlo

As suggested by the title, this dissertation is based on the term "object" as a bridge between the experience of phobia and the use of the mask. The choice of the phobia as a theme, is part of our project with adolescents, which highlighted the massive pr... see more


Fabio Frisone

One of the pitfalls in the psychotherapeutic field can be traced when working on the patient's complexes. In order to highlight the implications offered by the function of the mask, capable even of being revealed as a true epiphenomenon of the complexes i... see more


Giovanni Pennisi

The aim of this paper is to frame schizophrenia as a paradigm for the identification of the bodily roots of self. In order to do that, we will deepen the knowledge of a central figure of twentieth-century theatre: the schizophrenic playwright, actor and p... see more


Monica Pellerone,Tiziana Ramaci,Rasoul Heshmati

Recent literature underlines that, during adolescence, social networks are used to manage friendships. The reflection on the relational dynamics in social networks is based on the construction and shaping identity; online identity becomes not only persona... see more


Marinella Calabrese

The present article deals with the relation between the concept of mask and some dynamics of fiction and revelation related to it. Each person, in the sense of individual, wears more masks, according to the roles and contexts of the society in which they ... see more