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ISSN: 1979-276X    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 16 Number 2 Year 2023

9 articles in this issue 

Wawan Gunawan,Misbah Ramadani

Determining the right level of inventory is very important because it relates to the flow of money and can affect the performance of an organization. Too much inventory of goods can cause accumulation of storage space (warehouse) and reduce capital. The r... see more


Ardi Gunawan,Sasmitoh Rahmad Riady,Ismasari Nawangsih,Rianti Kinasih

Large-Scale Social Restrictions were imposed in Indonesia in 2020 as a response to the 2019 coronavirus disease (Covid-19), which has become a pandemic, including in Indonesia. The government's appeal regarding social distancing has made many dental clini... see more


putri dina mardika

There are already many information technology-based companies in the capital city, many job vacancies may be opened because they require experts with an educational background in informatics engineering. The research was conducted on YMIK 2 Jakarta high s... see more


Puji Catur Catur Siswipraptini,Abdul Haris,Winda Novita Sari

The problem often occurs in chili leaves is organisms that interfere with chili plants which can reduce chili production. There are chili plant diseases that are difficult for farmers to recognize by using their eyes and without using tools. The purpose o... see more


Asep Syaputra,Buhori Muslim,Nanda S. Prawira,Edowinsyah edowinsyah

Informasi tentang konsumsi energi sangat penting dalam mengukur efisiensi energi dan penghematan energi dalam bangunan. Konsumsi energi ini mengacu pada jumlah energi yang dibutuhkan untuk memberi daya pada bangunan pada waktu tertentu. Dengan mengetahui ... see more


Rayung Wulan,Udi Rusadi

The existence of social media platforms in the post-covid-19 pandemic era has increased sharply and penetrated various sectors among workers, especially digital workers. Various efforts to apply social media platform technology continue to increase in eff... see more


Septian Wulandari

Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem caused by a lack of nutritional intake in toddlers. Indonesia is the 5th country with the highest cases of toddler nutrition experiencing stunting at 30.8% in 2018. The current problem, in Indonesia, is providing ... see more