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ISSN: 1411-9544    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 23 Number 1 Year 2023

5 articles in this issue 

Khamami Zada

A question arises in the implementation of Sharia in Aceh: Is Sharia compatible with democracy as a political system in Indonesia? And with a comprehensive Sharia implementation, will it threaten the existence of the Indonesian state? This paper discussed... see more

Pags. 1 - 18  

Ariefulloh Ariefulloh,Hibnu Nugroho,Angkasa Angkasa,Riris Ardhanariswari

Restorative justice is a pattern of dispute resolution which emphasizes the responsibility of the perpetrator for the consequences of his actions while at the same time paying attention to the position of the victim. This is not simply about punishing the... see more

Pags. 19 - 36  

Dian Andi Nur Aziz,Al Khanif,Mimin Dwi Hartono,Ade Angelia Yusniar Marbun

The Helsinki Agreement between the Aceh Freedom Movement (GAM) and the Indonesian Government aimed to end long-standing conflict and inequality in Aceh. It also legally empowered the Acehnese to govern their own province and protect their citizens from hu... see more

Pags. 37 - 56  

Abdul Mutakabbir,Hastuti Hastuti,Mikdar Rusdi

This article describes the inheritance distribution system of the people of South Sulawesi. This research uses interviews with several community and religious leaders who understand inheritance law. The research sites are Makassar, Pinrang, Palopo and Bon... see more

Pags. 57 - 76  

Zuly Qodir,Haedar Nashir,Robert W. Hefner

Muhammadiyah, as an Islamic organization together with Nahdatul Ulama, are two Islamic organizations that oversee Islamic moderation in Indonesia. The role of Muhammadiyah in developing the idea of Islamic moderation has been manifested in educational ins... see more

Pags. 77 - 92