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ISSN: 0853-2982    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 27 Number 1 Year 2020

10 articles in this issue 

Avis Mellivera,Khilmi Zain,Mohammad Bagus Adityawan,Dhemi Harlan,Mohammad Farid,Bagus Pramono Yakti

Dam is a useful infrastructure for human life. It helps supporting social and economic development. Damages to dams may cause negative impacts such as casualties and destruction.  Thus, mitigation for dam related disaster has to be performed. This st... see more

Pags. 1 - 8  

Christian Gerald Daniel

Warm asphalt technology is an alternative for road pavement structures. One method to improve the performance of warm mix asphalt is by using fiber as an additive. This study aimed to analyze the effect of using aramid and polyolefin fibers in warm mix as... see more

Pags. 9 - 16  

Muchammad Sarwono Purwa Jayadi,Reini D. Wirahadikusumah,Dhemi Harlan

The management and regulation of large inventories of embankment dams requires the use of tools and analytical techniques that can provide a uniform basis for comparison. Index Condition and Risk Assessment were two of those tools. Those two assessment ca... see more

Pags. 17 - 24  

Meilinda Atika Rachman,Harmein Rahman,Bambang Sugeng Subagio,Sri Hendarto

Runway is an area in an airport for aircrafts to land and take off. The maintenance of the facilities on both the airside and landside must be taken care of in order to maximize the performance of the airport. Based on the aircraft type service plan of Ba... see more

Pags. 25 - 38  

Roi Milyardi,Reini D. Wirahadikusumah,Muhammad Abduh,Budi H. Siregar

PPP scheme has stimulate increasing the volume of infrastructure development in Indonesia from the period of 2014 and planned until 2025, where the toll road business is carried out by business entities with a concession period. In the PPP scheme, various... see more

Pags. 39 - 50  

Frans Sinatra,Muhammad Riyansyah,Made Suarjana

Existing special bridges such as cable-stayed bridges which are complex in structure need to be evaluated against SNI 1725:2016 and SNI 2833:2016. Dr. Ir. Soekarno Bridge located in Manado, North Sulawesi, was used as case study. Analysis based on the per... see more

Pags. 51 - 60  

Resmi Bestari Muin,Sagir Alva,Agnes Hanna Patty,Fidi Fidi,Adelfy Dara Arianti

Studi ini melakukan kajian yang signifikan terhadap kemungkinan terjadinya retak awal dan perambatannya yang rentan terjadi pada struktur-struktur di daerah marine. Retak beton yang terjadi merambat terutama di sepanjang interface zone yang secara signifi... see more

Pags. 61 - 70  

Atur Parhorasan Nusantara Siregar,Nurul Idha,I Wayan Suarnita

Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) nomor 03-2834-2000 (SNI 03-2834-2000) memberikan empat jenis slope gradasi gabungan agregat kasar dan halus dalam pembuatan beton  normal. Investigasi empat jenis slope gradasi agregat gabungan ini akan dilakukan untu... see more

Pags. 71 - 78  

Segel Ginting,Widya Utaminingsih

Desain hidrograf banjir diperlukan untuk merencanakan infrastruktur sumber daya air seperti waduk atau bendungan. Umumnya lokasi rencana infrastruktur sumber daya air belum tersedia data hidrologi untuk mendapatkan hidrograf banjir. Model hidrograf satuan... see more

Pags. 79 - 94  

Syawaluddin Hutahean

This research is the continuation of previous research conducted by the author, where in this research a wave equation is developed using total acceleration equation for a function f (x, z, t) and formulated using a complete velocity potential. Based on t... see more

Pags. 95 - 102